T4C Fantasy Bible

Item Locations

Item NameWhere to Find
A3 PermitArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Crazed Nurse & Mad Patient
Adamantite Bastard SwordStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (389,637 Gold)
Adamantite Bastard Sword +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (1,168,911 Gold)
Adamantite Bastard Sword +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (3,896,370 Gold)
Adamantite BladeStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (147,737 Gold), dropped by Deathstalker & Shadowstalker, found in chests at Nether Isles, Centaur Cave & Undead Cave
Adamantite Blade +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (443,211 Gold)
Adamantite Blade +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (1,477,370 Gold)
Adamantite Blade +3Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (5,909,480 Gold)
Adamantite BroadswordStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (332,053 Gold)
Adamantite Broadsword +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (996,159 Gold)
Adamantite Broadsword +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (3,320,530 Gold)
Adamantite Plate ProtectorStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (50,140 Gold)
Adamantite Platemail ArmorStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (225,282 Gold)
Adamantite Platemail BootsStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (64,652 Gold)
Adamantite Platemail GauntletsStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (66,153 Gold)
Adamantite Platemail HelmetStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (71,658 Gold)
Adamantite Platemail LeggingsStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (75,160 Gold)
Adamantite ScimitarStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (360,269 Gold)
Adamantite Scimitar +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (1,080,807 Gold)
Adamantite Scimitar +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (3,602,690 Gold)
Adamantite ShieldStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (165,234 Gold)
Adamantite Two-Handed SwordStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (420,154 Gold)
Adamantite Two-Handed Sword +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (1,260,462 Gold)
Adamantite Two-Handed Sword +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (4,201,540 Gold)
Adamantite Two-Handed Sword +3Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (16,806,160 Gold)
Agate Crystal KeyOracle Realm, found in a chest with precious stones
Alchemy KitStoneheim, buy from Shaman Weethgwotha (15,000 Gold) during the Blood of Ogrimar quest
All With Honor ShieldNowhere
Amethyst Crystal KeyOracle Realm, found in a chest with precious stones
Amulet of DodgingArakas, dropped by Bonedead
Amulet of IntelligenceNowhere
Amulet of IronwillNowhere
Amulet of LightNowhere
Amulet of PrecisionArakas, reward from Old Hermit for returning the Ring of Trust to him, during the Trust quest
Amulet of RegenerationArakas, received from Gypsy during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Amulet of RejuvenationArakas, received from Gypsy during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Amulet of RenewalArakas, received from Gypsy during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Amulet of ReplenishmentArakas, received from Gypsy during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Ancient Bastard SwordStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (746,587 Gold)
Ancient Bastard Sword +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (2,239,761 Gold)
Ancient Bastard Sword +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (7,465,870 Gold)
Ancient BladeStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (230,691 Gold)
Ancient Blade +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (692,073 Gold)
Ancient Blade +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (2,306,910 Gold)
Ancient Blade +3Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (9,227,640 Gold)
Ancient Broad AxeStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (921,581 Gold)
Ancient Broad Axe +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (2,764,743 Gold)
Ancient Broad Axe +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (9,215,810 Gold)
Ancient Broad Axe +3Stoneheim, dropped by Makrsh P'Tangh
Ancient Celestial Plate Stoneheim, found in chest after completing the Obsidian Conclave quest
Ancient MorningstarStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (360,269 Gold)
Ancient Morningstar +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (1,080,807 Gold)
Ancient Morningstar +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (3,602,690 Gold)
Ancient Morningstar +3Stoneheim, dropped by Makrsh P'Tangh
Ancient Plate ProtectorStoneheim, dropped by Makrsh P'Tangh
Ancient Platemail ArmorStoneheim, dropped by Makrsh P'Tangh
Ancient Platemail BootsStoneheim, dropped by Makrsh P'Tangh
Ancient Platemail GauntletsStoneheim, dropped by Makrsh P'Tangh
Ancient Platemail HelmetStoneheim, dropped by Makrsh P'Tangh
Ancient Platemail LeggingsStoneheim, dropped by Makrsh P'Tangh
Ancient RingStoneheim, received by Venadar during the Bones of Ogrimar quest
Ancient ScimitarStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (553,730 Gold)
Ancient Scimitar +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (1,661,190 Gold)
Ancient Scimitar +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (5,537,300 Gold)
Ancient Two-Handed SwordStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (921,581 Gold)
Ancient Two-Handed Sword +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (2,764,743 Gold)
Ancient Two-Handed Sword +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (9,215,810 Gold)
Ancient Two-Handed Sword +3Stoneheim, dropped by Makrsh P'Tangh
Antelope SkinArakas, dropped by Antelope / Raven Dust, dropped by Antelope
AppleArakas, buy from Fali (5 Gold) / Raven Dust, found under trees at SS fields
Arcane Circlet of PowerOracle Realm, found in chests
Arcane LiquorNowhere
Arcane ScrollRaven Dust, dropped by A Sweeper during the Skull of Ogrimar quest
Arcane SpellbookRaven Dust, received from Zhakar during the Skull of Ogrimar quest
Armband of VigorRaven Dust, Mausoleum, dropped by Vicar Vharmes & Vicar Asgoth
Armlet of FlamesRaven Dust, received from Crimsonscale during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Armor of CowardiceNowhere
Armor of SelfishnessNowhere
Ashwood FlatbowArakas, buy from Sigfried (29 Gold), found in chests
Ashwood Flatbow +1Arakas, buy from Karahn (87 Gold)
Ashwood Flatbow +2Arakas, buy from Seban Forgelot (290 Gold)
Ashwood LongbowArakas, buy from Sigfried (605 Gold), found in chests / Mad's House, found in Madrigan's chest
Ashwood Longbow +1Arakas, buy from Karahn (1,815 Gold)
Ashwood Longbow +2Arakas, buy from Seban Forgelot (6,050 Gold)
Ashwood Reflex BowArakas, buy from Sigfried (2,361 Gold), found in chests / Mad's House, found in Madrigan's chest
Ashwood Reflex Bow +1Arakas, buy from Karahn (7,083 Gold)
Ashwood Reflex Bow +2Arakas, buy from Seban Forgelot (23,610 Gold)
Ashwood Reflex Bow +3Nowhere
Assassin's BladeStoneheim, reward for giving 1 Scroll of Horse Friendship to Malachai Fatebringer (chance 25% to get the Blade)
Athena's NecklaceNowhere
Axe of DestructionNowhere
Azure Platemail ArmorNowhere
Azure Platemail BootsNowhere
Azure Platemail GauntletsNowhere
Azure Platemail HelmNowhere
Azure Platemail LeggingsNowhere
Azure Platemail ProtectorNowhere

Item NameWhere to Find
B1 PermitArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Crazed Nurse
BackbreakerArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Doktor Spine
Baldric's DrumRaven Dust, received from Baldric Silverknife during the Cape of Fire Resistance quest
Battle TokenStoneheim, received from monsters at Colosseum after a winning battle against them
Belladonna BerriesRaven Dust, dropped by Greyleaf the Daemon Tree
Belt of Skraug StrengthStoneheim, reward for giving 5 Skraugbashor Mace to Khan Wulgworth, during the Collector's quest
Belt of Unstable ProtectionRaven Dust, received from Filandrius for completing the Tome of Arcane Knowledge quest
Black Lizardskin BootsRaven Dust, quest item, received from Elysana Blackrose if you bring her 3 pouches (blue cohosh, woody nightshade & witch hazel)
Black Locust Composite BowStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (921,581 Gold)
Black Locust Composite Bow +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (2,764,743 Gold)
Black Locust Composite Bow +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (9,215,810 Gold)
Black Locust Composite Bow +3Stoneheim, dropped by Makrsh P'Tangh
Black Locust Compound BowStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (788,609 Gold)
Black Locust Compound Bow +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (2,365,027 Gold)
Black Locust Compound Bow +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (7,886,090 Gold)
Black Locust Recurve BowStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (665,993 Gold)
Black Locust Recurve Bow +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (1,997,979 Gold)
Black Locust Recurve Bow +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (6,659,930 Gold)
Blackened Iron KeyStoneheim, dropped by Blood Hound, Howling Terror, Night Hunter & Ribbon Fiend
Blade of HeroismStoneheim, dropped by Centaur Avenger, Skraug Bludfightor, Skraug Clangbangah, Skraug Grubbringah, Skraug Munchhuntor and Skraug Protekterritot
Blade of RuinRaven Dust, dropped by Haden during the Death of Shadeen quest
Blade of SharpnessRaven Dust, quest item, Adriana trade it for a Book of Warfare
Blank Magic ScrollArakas, scribed by Araknor
Blank Magic TomeStoneheim, dropped by Skraug Moonfiredansah & Skraug Totemherbdoktor
Blessed Chainmail ArmorArakas, quest item, forged by Lance Silversmith
Blood DaggerRaven Dust, received from Bane Blackblood during the Cape of Fire Resistance quest
Blood DrinkerArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Dr. Von Pyre
Blood of OgrimarStoneheim, received from Vargus during the Evil Seraph quest
Bloodied Rat PeltRaven Dust, Xanth mention that he have a lot of them during the Blood of Ogrimar quest (you don't get them in your backpack)
Bloodstained BroadswordArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Madman, found in chests
Bloodstone NecklaceRaven Dust, dropped by Flesh Golem
Bloodstone RingRaven Dust, quest item, forged by Greyleaf / Stoneheim, dropped by Bloodlust
Blue Crystal ShardArakas, found in chest at Lothar's Sacred Temple during Crimsonscale Letter quest
Blue GemRaven Dust, dropped by Minotaur Warrior
Bluestone TalismanStoneheim, dropped by Lord Stonecrest (Only if you don't have one in your inventory - drops one if you have junked it)
Bluish LiquidArakas, quest item, forged by Dunikus Hornwind
BoRaven Dust, buy from Kiadus (3,966 Gold)
Bo +1Raven Dust, buy from Rawlin (10,898 Gold)
Bo +2Raven Dust, buy from Dafyd (39,660 Gold)
Bone-Tipped ArrowsRaven Dust, buy from Rhodar Heatforge (15,000 Gold), dropped by Woodstalker at Forest of No Return / Stoneheim, found at Skraug Corpses at Skraug Cave & in chests at Wasp Cave & Undead Cave
Bones of OgrimarStoneheim, received from Sir Mordenthal during the Evil Seraph quest
Bonesword of the BerserkerArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Mad Madrigan / Stoneheim, found in chest at SH Crypt (Blue level)
Book of FeylorArakas, quest item, found in Feylor's chest at Lost City (through Labyrinth)
Book of WarfareRaven Dust, quest item, buy from Tobias (15,000 Gold)
Boots of SpeedNowhere
Bow of Centaur SlayingStoneheim, quest item, reward for giving 1 Scroll of Horse Friendship to Malachai Fatebringer (chance 25% to get the Bow)
Bow of the SpidersRaven Dust, Forest of No Return, dropped by Drain Spiders, found in chests
Box of JewelsArakas, received from Asarr during the Merchant Letter quest (if you choose to chickenout)
Bracelet of PowerArakas, dropped by Goblin Warchief & Griroesh / Raven Dust, dropped by Bugar Poutchsnatcer
Bracer of LeavesOracle Realm, dropped by Time Protector
Bracers of BattleStoneheim, found in chests & at Skraug corpses & chests at Skraug Cave & in chest at Spider Cave
Bracers of the BarbarianNowhere
Bracer of the ImmortalsRaven Dust, received from Filandrius for completing the Harvester of Life quest
Branch of WisdomRaven Dust, found under the Tree of Wisdom at Nameless Bard Crypt, during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Broken Ethereal KeyStoneheim, quest item, received from Daran Lightfoot if you give him 2 Assassin's blades
Buckle of LockpicksArakas, buy from Ttayh Mark (Black Market) (609 Gold)

Item NameWhere to Find
C1 PermitArakas, Mad's House, found in chests
C2 PermitArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Madman
C5 PermitArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Crazed Nurse & Deranged Orderly
CaledbolgRaven Dust, received from Lothar during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Candle of EternityRaven Dust, received from Samuel during the Will of Artherk quest
Cape of Fire ResistanceRaven Dust, quest item, reward from Thorbin Wildheart for bringing him the Baldirc's Drum (chance 50% to get the Cape)
Cape of the Ancient AssassinNowhere
Carnelian Crystal KeyOracle Realm, found in a chest with precious stones
Cat-Claw Ornated StaffStoneheim, found in chests at Spider Cave
Cedar Composite BowStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (360,269 Gold)
Cedar Composite Bow +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (1,080,807 Gold)
Cedar Composite Bow +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (3,602,690 Gold)
Cedar Composite Bow +3Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (14,410,760 Gold)
Cedar Compound BowStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (332,053 Gold)
Cedar Compound Bow +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (996,159 Gold)
Cedar Compound Bow +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (3,320,530 Gold)
Cedar LongbowStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (254,304 Gold)
Cedar Longbow +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (762,915 Gold)
Cedar Longbow +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (2,543,050 Gold)
Cedar Recurve BowStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (304,986 Gold)
Cedar Recurve Bow +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (914,958 Gold)
Cedar Recurve Bow +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (3,049,860 Gold)
Cedar Reflex BowStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (279,071 Gold)
Cedar Reflex Bow +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (837,213 Gold)
Cedar Reflex Bow +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (2,790,710 Gold)
Certificate of RecognitionStoneheim, received from Sheriff Hornkeep Grant during the Lost Helm of the Dragon quest
Chainmail ArmorRaven Dust, buy from Taliron & Nafuhr Bloodhammer (20,777 Gold) / Stoneheim, buy from Herewald Ironbender (20,777 Gold)
Chainmail BootsRaven Dust, buy from Taliron (6,072 Gold) & Nafuhr Bloodhammer / Stoneheim, buy from Herewald Ironbender (6,072 Gold)
Chainmail GauntletsRaven Dust, buy from Taliron & Nafuhr Bloodhammer (6,165 Gold) / Stoneheim, buy from Herewald Ironbender (6,165 Gold)
Chainmail GirdleRaven Dust, buy from Taliron (4,694 Gold) & Nafuhr Bloodhammer, found in chests at Forest of No Return / Stoneheim, buy from Herewald Ironbender (4,694 Gold)
Chainmail HelmetRaven Dust, buy from Taliron & Nafuhr Bloodhammer (6,670 Gold) / Stoneheim, buy from Herewald Ironbender (6,670 Gold)
Chainmail LeggingsRaven Dust, buy from Taliron & Nafuhr Bloodhammer (6,992 Gold) / Stoneheim, buy from Herewald Ironbender (6,992 Gold)
Chastity BeltNowhere
Chaos KeyStoneheim, dropped by Chaos Spawn
Chaotic SwordArakas, quest item, reward from Lord Sunrock for returning him the box of jewels / Raven Dust, dropped by Dune Raiders
Chipped Azure RingNowhere
Chipped Bone KeyStoneheim, found in chest at Herewald's Armor Shop
Chronicles of DoomRaven Dust, received from Menark during the Silver Feather quest
Cloak of ArmageddonStoneheim, quest item, received from Sir Mordenthal for 3 Rings of Lion (chance 50% to get the Cloak)
Cloak of DamnationNowhere
Cloak of DeceitArakas, dropped by Jarko the Necromancer
Cloak of RenewalOracle Realm, found in chests
Cloak of the AgesNowhere
Cloak of the ArcherStoneheim, quest item, received from Resha for 5 Bows of Centaur Slaying
Cloak of the Midnight MistsNowhere
Cloak of the SkullRaven Dust, Forest of No Return, dropped by Mysticist, found in chests
Cloth PantsArakas, buy from Rolph (15 Gold), buy from Gwen (15 Gold), found in chests
Cloth VestArakas, buy from Rolph (15 Gold), buy from Gwen (15 Gold), found in chests
Collar of SubmissionNowhere
Collector's BookStoneheim, quest item, received from Sheriff Hornkeep Grant for 3 Belts of Skraug Strength, dropped by Deathstalker & Obsidian Assassin
Conjurer's MantleRaven Dust, dropped by Illusion Weavers
Coral ShieldNowhere
Cord of TreacheryStoneheim, dropped by Nightcreeper & Deathstalker, found in chests at Undead Cave & Spider Cave
Corrupted heartArakas, dropped by Fallen Warriors at Crypt of the Fallen during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Cracked Blue BracerStoneheim, dropped by Chaos Spawn
Crimson Bastard SwordNowhere
Crimsonscale's LetterArakas, received by Kilhiam during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Crooked Staff of VigorNowhere
Crown of CorruptionStoneheim, received from Meltar Winterstorm during the Skull of Ogrimar quest
Crown of the Death JesterRaven Dust, dropped by Death Jester
Crown of the VisionaryArakas, found in chests at Mad's House, dropped by Deranged Orderly
Crowned Staff of Cleverness +1Nowhere
Crude Iron KeyOracle Realm, found in chest
Crude Orcish NecklaceArakas, dropped by Roshnak Tul / Raven Dust, dropped by Ghundarg Rumblefoot
Crude Skraug BowStoneheim, dropped by Skraug Standanbonkah, found at Skaugs corpses & chests in Skraug Cave
Crumbling Bone KeyStoneheim, found in chest at SH crypt
Crystal Key (Blue)Raven Dust, Mausoleum, dropped by Vicar Vharnes during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Crystal Key (Green)Raven Dust, Mausoleum, dropped by Vicar Ramiel during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Crystal Key (Purple)Raven Dust, Mausoleum, dropped by Vicar Kervian during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Crystal Key (Red)Raven Dust, Mausoleum, dropped by Vicar Asghoth during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Crystal of Providence Stoneheim, dropped by Harvester of Life during Harvester of Life quest
Crystal Sword of MightStoneheim, quest item, give 2 Rings of the Lion to Sir Beltigan (chance 50% to get the Sword)
Cuthana HerbRaven Dust, found in chest during the Royal Key quest

Item NameWhere to Find
D4 PermitArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Loon
Dagger of Piercing Arakas, dropped by Tomb Raider & Orc Warrior
Dagger of VitalityNowhere
Dark GemStoneheim, quest item, received from Sir Mordenthal if you give him 4 Grim Blades of War
Dark GembladeStoneheim, quest item, received from Sir Mordenthal if you give him 3 Grim Blades of War (first you must have taken at least 100 Dark Gems from him)
Dark Iron KeyStoneheim, found in chest at Gulfrid's Weapon Shop
Dark KeyArakas, dropped by Griroesh
DarkstoneArakas, received by putting the Heart of Gluriurl in the ribcage during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Darkwood ShieldStoneheim, dropped by Skraug Bigbruddalbashah & Skraug Bigworviktor
Dead FishArakas, found near the river of Lighthaven (north from temple) / Raven Dust, found near the river of Silversky (under the Pirate's Tavern), dropped by Minotaur Shaman/Warrior & Ratsputin the Wererat
Death Jester SkullRaven Dust, dropped by Death Jester
Decaying Bat WingsArakas, dropped by Undead Bat
DefenderRaven Dust, dropped by Death Chosen, found in chests
Demon Tree LeafRaven Dust, dropped by Demon Tree
Demon's SkullArakas, dropped by Griroesh
DemonbladeArakas, quest item, forged from Lance Silversmith
Demonic BloodStoneheim, received from Kwarlgloth during the Blood of Ogrimar quest
Dew Covered Metal KeyStoneheim, found in a well at Crypt Grey Level
DiamondArakas, found in chest near Lord Sunrock
Diamond Necklace Arakas, dropped by Cursed Being
Diamond Power FocusOracle Realm, found in chests
Diamond Ring of Engagement Nowhere
DrachenhelmRaven Dust, Forest of No Return, dropped by Jade Kingsnake, received from NPC "A Shadow in the Woods"
DrachenplateRaven Dust, Forest of No Return, dropped by Woodstalker, received from NPC "A Shadow in the Woods"
DrachenrobeRaven Dust, Forest of No Return, dropped by Drain Spider, received from NPC "A Shadow in the Woods"
DrachenshieldRaven Dust, Forest of No Return, dropped by Mysticist, received from NPC "A Shadow in the Woods"
DrachenstaffRaven Dust, Forest of No Return, dropped by Drain Rat, received from NPC "A Shadow in the Woods"
DrachenswordRaven Dust, Forest of No Return, dropped by Dark Custodian, received from NPC "A Shadow in the Woods"
Dragon's ToothArakas, buy from Siegfried (200 Gold) during the Silver Feather quest
Dragonscale ArmorOracle Realm, found in chests
Dragonscale BootsOracle Realm, found in chests
Dragonscale GauntletsOracle Realm, found in chests
Dragonscale HelmetOracle Realm, found in chests
Dragonscale LeggingsOracle Realm, found in chests
Dragonscale ProtectorOracle Realm, found in chests
Drum of FateRaven Dust, received from Anrak Brownbark during the Will of Artherk quest
Druss's Briber of SoulsNowhere
Dull Copper KeyOracle Realm, found in chest
Dwarven Plate ProtectorStoneheim, dropped by Heretic Warrior, found in chest at Spider Cave & Nether Isles
Dwarven Platemail ArmorStoneheim, dropped by Heretic Warrior
Dwarven Platemail BootsStoneheim, dropped by Heretic Warrior, found in chest at Nether Isles, Spider Cave & Mordenthal's Dungeon
Dwarven Platemail GauntletsStoneheim, dropped by Heretic Warrior, found in chest at Nether Isles, Mordenthal'S Dungeon & Undead Cave
Dwarven Platemail HelmetStoneheim, dropped by Heretic Warrior, found in chest at Nether Isles
Dwarven Platemail LeggingsStoneheim, dropped by Heretic Warrior

Item NameWhere to Find
E5 PermitArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Mad Patient
Elixir of PurityArakas, buy from The Lurker (800 Gold) during the Goblin Fever quest
Elm FlatbowArakas, buy from Ttayh Mark (5,266 Gold), found in Madrigan's chest at Mad House
Elm Flatbow +1Arakas, buy from Karahn (15,798 Gold)
Elm Flatbow +2Arakas, buy from Seban Forgelot (52,660 Gold)
Elm LongbowArakas, buy from Ttayh Mark (9,323), found in locked chest near Jarko / Mad's House found in Madrigan's chest
Elm Longbow +1Arakas, buy from Karahn (27,969)
Elm Longbow +2Arakas, buy from Seban Forgelot (93,230 Gold)
Elm Recurve BowArakas, buy from Ttayh Mark (20,887), found in Madrigan's chest at Mad House / Raven Dust, found in chests / Forest of No Return, found in chests / Stoneheim, found in chests at Spider Cave, Centaur Cave, SH Crypt, Undead Cave & in Skraug Corpses at Skraug Cave
Elm Recurve Bow +1Arakas, buy from Karahn (62,661)
Elm Recurve Bow +2Arakas, buy from Seban Forgelot (208,870)
Elm Recurve Bow +3Nowhere
Elm Reflex BowArakas, buy from Ttayh Mark (14,529), found in Madrigan's chest at Mad House / Raven Dust, found in chests at Forest of No Return / Stoneheim, found in chest at SH Crypt & in Skraug corpses at Skraug Cave
Elm Reflex Bow +1Arakas, buy from Karahn (43,587)
Elm Reflex Bow +2Arakas, buy from Seban Forgelot (145,290 Gold)
Elven Chainmail ArmorStoneheim
Elven Chainmail BootsStoneheim, found in chest at Undead Cave
Elven Chainmail GauntletsStoneheim, found in chest at Mordenthal's Dungeon, Spider Cave, Centaur Cave & Undead Cave
Elven Chainmail GirdleStoneheim, found in chest at Mordenthal's Dungeon, Spider Cave, Centaur Cave & Undead Cave
Elven Chainmail HelmetStoneheim, found in chest at Mordenthal's Dungeon & Undead Cave
Elven Chainmail LeggingsStoneheim
Elven HatNowhere
Elven Leather ArmorArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Mad Madrigan / Stoneheim, dropped by Nightcreeper
Elven Leather BeltArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Mad Madrigan / Stoneheim, dropped by Nightcreeper, found in chests at Mordenthal's Dungeon, Wasp Cave, Undead Cave & SH Crypt
Elven Leather BootsArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Mad Madrigan / Raven Dust, found in chests at Forest of No Return / Stoneheim,dropped by Nightcreeper, found in chests at Spider Cave, Wasp Cave, SH Crypt & Undead Cave
Elven Leather GlovesArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Mad Madrigan / Raven Dust, found in chests at Forest of No Return / Stoneheim,dropped by Nightcreeper, found in chests at Spider Cave, Wasp Cave, Mordenthal's Dungeon & Centaur Cave
Elven Leather HelmetArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Mad Madrigan / Raven Dust, found in chests at Forest of No Return / Stoneheim,dropped by Nightcreeper, found in chests at Undead Cave, Wasp Cave & SH Crypt
Elven Leather LeggingsArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Mad Madrigan / Stoneheim, dropped by Nightcreeper
Elven Silversilk RobeRaven Dust, dropped by Flesh Golem
ElvenbaneRaven Dust, forged by Xanth during the Death of Shadeen quest
Emerald Crystal KeyOracle Realm, found in a chest with precious stones
Emerald Power FocusOracle Realm, found in chests
Emerald Topped Staff of EarthquakesNowhere
Empty Beer MugRaven Dust, reward from Cape of Fire Resistance quest (chance 50% to get the Mug) / found in all taverns
Empty MugRaven Dust, buy from Thorbin Wildheart (10 Gold)
Enchanted Glass KeyOracle Realm, found in chest at the Chamber of Swiftness
Escape ScrollRaven Dust, Forest of No Return, dropped by Mysticist, found in chests
Essence of BloodlustStoneheim, dropped by Bloodlust
Ethereal AmuletRaven Dust, received from Zhakar when you complete the Kraanian Egg quest, received from Greyleaf when you complete the Greyleaf quest
Ethereal KeyStoneheim, forged by Bastien Milandira
Exquisitely Worked Stone KeyOracle Realm, found in chest at the Chamber of Perseverance
Eye of the TigerStoneheim, quest item, give 2 Rings of the Lion to Sir Beltigan (chance 50% to get the Shield)

Item NameWhere to Find
F1 PermitArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Madman
Fake Blade of RuinRaven Dust, buy from Kiadus (25,000 Gold) during the Death of Shadeen quest
Fang of True ResolveStoneheim, received from Nissus Haloseeker during the Will of Artherk quest
FeatherArakas, dropped by Goblin Chieftain/Warchief & Orc Shaman/Warrior / Raven Dust, found in Raynen's chest at Connector Cave
Fenrir's SoulstoneStoneheim, dropped by Fenrir during Harvester of Life quest
Fiery ArmbandNether Isles, dropped by Neoflare
Fine Steel BattleaxeRaven Dust, buy from Rhodar Heatforge (83,191)
Fine Steel Battleaxe +1Raven Dust, buy from Rawlin (249,573)
Fine Steel Battleaxe +2Raven Dust, buy from Dafyd (831,910)
Fine Steel Battleaxe +3Nowhere
Fine Steel BroadswordRaven Dust, buy from Rhodar Heatforge (46,861)
Fine Steel Broadsword +1Raven Dust, buy from Rawlin (140,583)
Fine Steel Broadsword +2Raven Dust, buy from Dafyd (468,610)
Fine Steel DaggerArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Crazed Nurse / Raven Dust, buy from Kiadus (37,053) / Stoneheim, found in chests at Centaur Cave, Undead Cave, Wasp Cave & Spider Cave
Fine Steel Dagger +1Raven Dust, buy from Rawlin (111,159)
Fine Steel Dagger +2Raven Dust, buy from Dafyd (370,530)
Fine Steel Dagger +3Nowhere
Fine Steel Hand AxeRaven Dust, buy from Rhodar Heatforge (57,821), found in chests at Forest of No Return / Stoneheim, found in chests at Mordenthal's Dungeon, Spider Cave, SH Crypt & Undead Cave
Fine Steel Hand Axe +1Raven Dust, buy from Rawlin (173,463)
Fine Steel Hand Axe +2Raven Dust, buy from Dafyd (578,210)
Fine Steel Long SwordRaven Dust, buy from Rhodar Heatforge (37,053), dropped by Minotaur Chieftain & Blackguard, found in chests / Stoneheim, found at Skraug Corpses at Skraug Cave
Fine Steel Long Sword +1Raven Dust, buy from Rawlin (111,159)
Fine Steel Long Sword +2Raven Dust, buy from Dafyd (370,530)
Fine Steel MaceRaven Dust, buy from Kiadus (37,053) / Stoneheim, found in chests at Mordenthal's Dungeon, Wasp Cave, SH Crypt & Spider Cave
Fine Steel Mace +1Raven Dust, buy from Rawlin (111,159)
Fine Steel Mace +2Raven Dust, buy from Dafyd (370,530)
Fine Steel Mace +3Nowhere
Fine Steel ScimitarRaven Dust, buy from Rhodar Heatforge (57,821), dropped by Bugar Pouchsnatcher & Orc Guardian / Stoneheim, found in chests at Mordenthal's Dungeon, Spider Cave, Undead Cave, SH Crypt & Wasp Cave
Fine Steel Scimitar +1Raven Dust, buy from Rawlin (173,463)
Fine Steel Scimitar +2Raven Dust, buy from Dafyd (578,210)
Fine Steel Scimitar +3Nowhere
Fine Steel Short SwordRaven Dust, buy from Rhodar Heatforge (28,394), dropped by Headsmasher, found in chests / Stoneheim, found at Skraug Corpses & chests at Skraug Cave & in chests at Spider Cave
Fine Steel Short Sword +1Raven Dust, buy from Rawlin (85,182)
Fine Steel Short Sword +2Raven Dust, buy from Dafyd (283,940)
Fine Steel WarhammerArakas, buy from Ttayh Mark (14,529)
Fine Steel Warhammer +1Arakas, buy from Karahn (43,587)
Fine Steel Warhammer +2Arakas, Buy from Seban Forgelot (145,290)
Finely Crafted DrumStoneheim, found in chest in Thieves Hideout
Finely Cut AgateStoneheim, dropped by Swadowfiend, Fenris Wolf
Finely Cut AmethystStoneheim, dropped by Colony Sentinel, Pack Wolf, Skraug Munchhuntor & Yoggoth Worm
Finely Cut AquamarineStoneheim, dropped by Colony Sentinel & Pack Wolf
Finely Cut CarnelianStoneheim, dropped by Acid Zombie, Mortal Wombat, A Sentry & A Skraug Sentry
Finely Cut DiamondStoneheim, dropped by Fernis Wolf & Shadowfiend
Finely Cut EmeraldStoneheim, dropped by Black Prophet, Great Wolf, Skraug Totemherndoktor & Wasp Drone
Finely Cut GarnetStoneheim, dropped by Mortal Wombat
Finely Cut LimestoneStoneheim, dropped by Black Prophet, Great Wolf & Wasp Drone
Finely Cut MalachiteStoneheim, dropped by Great Wolf & Wasp Drone
Finely Cut MoonstoneStoneheim, dropped by Fenris Wolf, Shadowfiend, Skraug Standanbonkah & Yoggoth Worm
Finely Cut RubyStoneheim, dropped by Mortal Wombat, Acid Slime, A Sentry & A Skraug Sentry
Finely Cut SapphireStoneheim, dropped by Colony Sentinel, Pack Wolf, Skraug Munchhuntor, Yoggoth Worm
Flail of StabilityArakas, dropped by Wandering Orc
Flask of Bluish LiquidArakas, quest item, mixed by Dunikus Hornwind / Raven Dust, dropped by Minotaur Chieftain & Minotaur Warrior
Flask of Crystal WaterRaven Dust, dropped by Grott, Dune Raider, Minotaur Warrior, Orc Berserker, Orc Deserter & Eye-Patched Qardos / Stoneheim, dropped by Cave Dweller, Deathstalker, Night Hunter, Leprechaun, Nightcreeper & Pilferer
Flask of Gluriurl's BloodArakas, found in a well at Cave of Corruption during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Flask of Goblin BloodArakas, dropped by Goblin Subchief/Warchief/Warlord & Count Hemogoblin
Flight ArrowsStoneheim, buy from Gulfrid Steelhammer (75,000 Gold)
Flowing Black RobeArakas, dropped by Balork
Foul PotionRaven Dust, received from Xanth during the Blood of Ogrimar quest
Frost WakizashiNowhere

Item NameWhere to Find
G4 PermitArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Raving Lunatic
Garb of the DeadArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Dr. Von Pyre / Raven Dust, dropped by Skeleton Warlocks / Stoneheim, dropped by Gangrene Carrier, Ribbon Fiend & Gauze Corpse
Gauntlets of ShockingStoneheim, found at Skraug corpses at Skraug Cave, found in chests at Spider Cave & Undead Cave
Gem of CourageStoneheim, forged by Omar Hald during the Heart of Artherk quest
Gem of FlamesRaven Dust, received from Crimsonscale during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Gem of RegenerationArakas, received from Gypsy during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Gem of RejuvenationArakas, received from Gypsy during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Gem of RenewalArakas, received from Gypsy during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Gem of ReplenishmentArakas, received from Gypsy during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Gem of the ImmortalStoneheim, dropped by Dark Warlord
Gem of the ImmortalsRaven Dust, received from Filandrius for completing the Harvester of Life quest
Gem of the MoonRaven Dust, Forest of No Return, found in chests
Gem of the StarsRaven Dust, Forest of No Return, found in chests
Gem of the SunRaven Dust, Forest of No Return, found in chests
Gem of VitalityArakas, received from Yrian Earthsong during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Gem of Unstable ProtectionArakas, received from Filandrius for completing the Tome of Arcane Knowledge quest
Girdle of CourageArakas, quest item, reward from Halam if you bring the Healing Leaf to Geena
Girdle of InsightRaven Dust, Mausoleum, dropped by Vicar Ramiel & Vicar Kervian
Girdle of ProtectionNowhere
Girdle of StrengthNowhere
Gladiator's RingStoneheim, dropped by Centaur Champions
Gleaming Bluestone ChestplateStoneheim, dropped by Lord Stonecrest
Gleaming Bluestone GauntletsStoneheim, dropped by Lord Stonecrest
Gleaming Bluestone HeadgearStoneheim, dropped by Lord Stonecrest
Gleaming Bluestone Legplates Stoneheim, dropped by Lord Stonecrest
Gleaming Bluestone ProtectorStoneheim, dropped by Lord Stonecrest
Gleaming Bluestone SabatonsStoneheim, dropped by Lord Stonecrest
Gleaming Orichalcum KeyOracle Realm, dropped from Oracle Gatekeeper at the Chamber of Despair
Gleaming ShardRaven Dust, dropped by Broken One, Bandaged Horror & Death Chosen
Gloom StaffStoneheim, quest item, reward from Julian if you bring him 3 Robes of Hell
GloombladeArakas, forged by Lance Silversmith during the Balork's Evil quest
Gloves of ThievingNowhere
Gloves of the DuelistArakas, quest item, received from Lothan for bringing him a pouch of Yellow Powder (chance 50% to get the Gloves)
Gnarled Walking StickArakas, Mad's House, found in chests
Goblin BladeArakas, dropped by Goblin Warrior , Mrish Yellowblood, Trish Yellowblood, Count Hemogoblin, Ruk the Miner & Fugar the Smelly
Goblin Leather ArmorArakas, dropped by Goblin, Goblin Scout & Ruk the Miner
Goblin SlayerRaven Dust, quest item, buy from Heatforge Rhodar (25,000 Gold) [You must have killed at least 500 goblins]
Gold Ring of EngagementNowhere
Golden BraceletArakas, dropped by Renegade Orc Leader & Dorken Rotsmell
Golden ChaliceRaven Dust, dropped by Blackguard, Nightblade, Liedric Throatcutter & Rogue Mage
Golden Emerald-Encrusted TiaraOracle Realm, found in chest
Golden RingArakas, quest item, received from Lord Sunrock if you give him the Jarko Spellbook, dropped by Assassin, Renegade Orc Leader, Goblin Warchief, Gorben the Mad, Ruk the Miner & Dorken Rotsmell
Gothic ShieldStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (97,417 Gold), dropped by Toll Troll at Nether Isles / Oracle Realm, found in chests
Grail of PurityStoneheim, dropped by Centaur Avenger
Great Axe of the CrowStoneheim, quest item, give 3 Rings of the Lion to Sir Mordenthal (chance 50% to get the Axe)
Green Crystal ShardArakas, found in chest at Lothar's Sacred Temple during Crimsonscale Letter quest
Green GemRaven Dust, dropped by Rogue Mage
Green Gemstone of the Forest SpiritRaven Dust, buy from Elysana Blackrose (20,000 Gold)
Grim Blade of WarStoneheim, quest item, reward for giving 1 Scroll of Horse Friendship to Malachai Fatebringer (chance 25% to get the Blade)
Grim Sword of WarRaven Dust, Forest of no Return, dropped by Jade Kingsnake, found in chests
Guardian Ring of VitalityArakas, received from Yrian Earthsong during the Crimsonscale Letter quest

Item NameWhere to Find
H2 PermitArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Loon
Hammer of FinalityArakas, forged by Lance Silversmith during the Will of Artherk quest
Hammer of True SightArakas, Mad's House, found in chests
Hardened Leather ArmorNowhere
Healing LeafArakas, received from Mushn during the Goblin Fever quest
Heart of ArtherkStoneheim, received from Mithanna Snowraven during the Good Seraph quest
Heart of GluriurlArakas, mixed in the Altar at Nomad's Crypt during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Hel's SoulstoneArakas, dropped by Hel during Harvester of Life quest
Helmet of the ClairvoyantArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Madman, found in chests
Helmet of the HealerNowhere
Hero's AmuletStoneheim, dropped by Lord Stonecrest
Hickory Compound BowRaven Dust, buy from Rhodar Heatforge (83,191), dropped by Woodstalker and found in chests at Forest of No Return / Stoneheim, dropped by Centaur Avenger, Gremlin & Leprechaun, found in chests at Mordenthal's Dungeon, Spider Cave, Undead Cave, Centaur Cave & Nether Isles
Hickory Compound Bow +1Raven Dust, buy from Rawlin (249,573)
Hickory Compound Bow +2Raven Dust, buy from Dafyd (831,910)
Hickory Compound Bow +3Nowhere
Hickory FlatbowRaven Dust, buy from Rhodar Heatforge (37,053), found in chests at Forest of No Return / Stoneheim, found in chests at SH Crypt & Skraug Cave
Hickory Flatbow +1Raven Dust, buy from Rawlin (111,159)
Hickory Flatbow +2Raven Dust, buy from Dafyd (370,530)
Hickory LongbowRaven Dust, buy from Rhodar Heatforge (46,861) / Stoneheim, found in chests at Wasp Cave, Spider Cave & Mordenthal's Dungeon
Hickory Longbow +1Raven Dust, buy from Rawlin (140,583)
Hickory Longbow +2Raven Dust, buy from Dafyd (468,610)
Hickory Recurve BowRaven Dust, buy from Kiadus (69,930 Gold), found in chests at Forest of No Return / Stoneheim, dropped by Nightcreeper, Pilferer & Centaur Sentinel, found in chests at Mordenthal's Dungeon, Undead Cave, SH Crypt & Spider Cave
Hickory Recurve Bow +1Raven Dust, buy from Rawlin (209,790 Gold)
Hickory Recurve Bow +2Raven Dust, buy from Dafyd (699,300 Gold)
Hickory Reflex BowRaven Dust, buy from Kiadus (57,821 Gold), found in chests at Forest of No Return / Stoneheim, found in chests at Wasp Cave & Centaur Cave
Hickory Reflex Bow +1Raven Dust, buy from Rawlin (173,463 Gold)
Hickory Reflex Bow +2Raven Dust, buy from Dafyd (578,210 Gold)
High Clerist's RobesOracle Realm, found in chests
High-Metal Bastard SwordStoneheim, buy from Gulfrid Steelhammer (147,737 Gold), dropped by Toll Troll at Nether Isles
High-Metal Bastard Sword +1Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (443,211 Gold)
High-Metal Bastard Sword +2Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (1,477,370 Gold)
High-Metal Bastard Sword +3Oracle Realm, found in chests
High-Metal Battle AxeStoneheim, buy from Gulfrid Steelhammer (186,913 Gold)
High-Metal Battle Axe +1Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (560,739 Gold)
High-Metal Battle Axe +2Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (1,869,130 Gold)
High-Metal Broad AxeStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (230,691 Gold), found in chests at Mordenthal's Dungeon & Centaur Cave
High-Metal Broad Axe +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (692,073 Gold)
High-Metal Broad Axe +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (2,306,910 Gold)
High-Metal Broad Axe +3Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (9,227,640 Gold)
High-Metal BroadswordStoneheim, buy from Gulfrid Steelhammer (113,163 Gold), found in chests at Nether Isles, Centaur Cave, Mordenthal's Dungeon & Spider Cave
High-Metal Broadsword +1Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (339,489 Gold)
High-Metal Broadsword +2Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (1,131,630 Gold)
High-Metal DaggerRaven Dust, buy from Rhodar Heatforge (37,053 Gold) / Stoneheim, found in chests at Centaur Cave & Wasp Cave
High-Metal Dagger +1Raven Dust, buy from Rawlin (111,159 Gold)
High-Metal Dagger +2Raven Dust, buy from Dafyd (370,530 Gold)
High-Metal Dagger +3Nowhere
High-Metal FlailRaven Dust, buy from Kiadus (97,601 Gold), found in chests at Forest of No Return / Stoneheim, dropped by Chaos Spawn, found in chests at Nether Isles, Spider Cave, SH Crypt & Undead Cave
High-Metal Flail +1Raven Dust, buy from Rawlin (292,803 Gold)
High-Metal Flail +2Raven Dust, buy from Dafyd (976,010 Gold)
High-Metal Flail +3Nowhere
High-Metal Hand AxeStoneheim, buy from Gulfrid Steelhammer (147,737 Gold), dropped by Dark Warlord
High-Metal Hand Axe +1Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (443,211 Gold), dropped by Fiend of the Pale
High-Metal Hand Axe +2Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (1,477,370 Gold)
High-Metal Long SwordStoneheim, buy from Gulfrid Steelhammer (97,601 Gold), dropped by Acid Zombie
High-Metal Long Sword +1Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (292,803 Gold)
High-Metal Long Sword +2Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (976,010 Gold)
High-Metal MaceRaven Dust, buy from Kiadus (57,821 Gold) / Stoneheim, found in chests at Mordenthal's Dungeon, Wasp Cave & Spider Cave
High-Metal Mace +1Raven Dust, buy from Rawlin (173,463 Gold)
High-Metal Mace +2Raven Dust, buy from Dafyd (578,210 Gold)
High-Metal ScimitarStoneheim, buy from Gulfrid Steelhammer (129,874 Gold), found in chests at Nether Isles
High-Metal Scimitar +1Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (389,682 Gold)
High-Metal Scimitar +2Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (1,298,740 Gold)
High-Metal Short SwordRaven Dust, buy from Rhodar Heatforge (83,191 Gold), found in chests at Crypt, Connector Cave and at Forest of No Return / Stoneheim, found in chests at Nether Isles, Mordenthal's Dungeon, Spider Cave, Undead Cave, SH Crypt & Wasp Cave
High-Metal Short Sword +1Raven Dust, buy from Rawlin (249,573 Gold)
High-Metal Short Sword +2Raven Dust, buy from Dafyd (831,910 Gold)
Holy CutlassNowhere
Holy WaterStoneheim, received from Theoran Ironfaith or Brother Thorkas during the Ring of Pure Faith quest
Hourglass of EssenceRaven Dust, received from Menark during the Will of Artherk quest
Human BoneArakas, dropped by Araf Kul / Stoneheim, dropped by Skraug Grubbringah and Skraug Standanbonkah
Human FootRaven Dust, dropped by Blaarg Toemangler
Hyper Potion of Clear ThoughtStoneheim, found in chests at Mordenthal's Dungeon & Nether Isles
Hyper Potion of FortitudeStoneheim, found in chests at Mordenthal's Dungeon & Nether Isles
Hyper Potion of FuryStoneheim, found in chests at Mordenthal's Dungeon & Nether Isles
Hyper Potion of NimblenessStoneheim, found in chests at Mordenthal's Dungeon & Nether Isles
Hyper Potion of TranquilityStoneheim, found in chests at Mordenthal's Dungeon & Nether Isles

Item NameWhere to Find
I4 PermitArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Raving Lunatic
Ice BladeNowhere
Iron KeyArakas, dropped by Atrocity, Brigand, Orc Warrior, Raider,Goblin Chieftain/Warchief/Warrior, Skeleton Guardian & Tomb Raider
Iron RingArakas, buy from Fali (200 Gold), dropped by Goblin, Orc Shaman, Griroesh & Cursed Being, found in chests
Iron StaffArakas, buy from Sigfried (392 Gold), dropped by Jarko, found in chests
Iron Staff +1Arakas, buy from Karahn (1,176 Gold)
Iron Staff +2Arakas, buy from Seban Forgelot (3,960 Gold)
Ivory KeyOracle Realm, found in Ivory Chest

Item NameWhere to Find
J1 PermitArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Crazed Nurse
J3 PermitArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Deranged Orderly
J4 PermitArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Runaway Patient
Jade Ring of SorceryRaven Dust, dropped by Grott
Jagged Gypsy DaggerNowhere
Jander's Gloves of ThieveryNowhere
Jander's Padded BootsNowhere
Jander's Ring of NimblenessStoneheim, found in chests at Wasp Cave
Jarko's Amulet Arakas, dropped by Jarko the Necromancer
Jarko's SpellbookArakas, dropped by Jarko the Necromancer
Jafo's HeartStoneheim, found in chests at Wasp Cave
Jormungand's SoulstoneRaven Dust, dropped by Jormungand during Harvester of Life quest

Item NameWhere to Find
Key of AscensionStoneheim, dropped by Neoflare, Gauze Corpse, Purifier & Shrieker Rodent, found in chests at Nether Isles
Key of ArtherkStoneheim, received from Sir Beltigan during the Good Seraph quest
Key of OgrimarStoneheim, received from Sir Mordenthal during the Evil Seraph quest
Key of the BanishedStoneheim, dropped by Fiend of the Pale
Key of the ForgottenStoneheim, found in a chest at Undead Cave
Key of the Lost SoulStoneheim, dropped by Obsidian Assassin
Kraanian EggArakas, dropped by Kraanian Milipede
Kraanian EyesRaven Dust, buy from Bane Blackblood (5,000 Gold) during the Poison Apple quest

Item NameWhere to Find
Lancewood Composite BowStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (518,611 Gold)
Lancewood Composite Bow +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (1,555,833 Gold)
Lancewood Composite Bow +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (5,186,110 Gold)
Lancewood Composite Bow +3Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (20,744,440 Gold)
Lancewood Compound BowStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (484,641 Gold)
Lancewood Compound Bow +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (1,453,923 Gold)
Lancewood Compound Bow +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (4,846,410 Gold)
Lancewood Recurve BowStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (451,823 Gold)
Lancewood Recurve Bow +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (1,355,469 Gold)
Lancewood Recurve Bow +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (4,518,230 Gold)
Lancewood Reflex BowStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (420,154 Gold)
Lancewood Reflex Bow +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (1,260,462 Gold)
Lancewood Reflex Bow +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (4,201,540 Gold)
Large ShieldRaven Dust, buy from Taliron & Nafuhr Bloodhammer (25,990 Gold), found in chests at Forest of No Return / Stoneheim buy from Herewald Ironbender (25,990 Gold), dropped by Spectral Knight, found in chests at Mordenthal's Dungeon, Undead Cave, SH Crypt, Centaur Cave & Spider Cave
Leather ArmorArakas, buy from Rolph & Gwen (607 Gold), dropped by Orc Warrior
Leather BeltArakas, buy from Rolph & Gwen (212 Gold), dropped by Cursed Being, Giant Wasp, Goblin Scout/Subchief, Graax, Guurk & Skeleton Guardian/Warrior, found in chests
Leather Belt of Survival Arakas, buy from Ttayh Mark (Black Market) (609 Gold)
Leather BootsArakas, buy from Rolph & Gwen (245 Gold), dropped by Raider, found in chests / Raven Dust, found in chests
Leather GlovesArakas, buy from Rolph & Gwen (248 Gold), dropped by Brigand & Skeleton, found in chests / Raven Dust, found in chests
Leather HelmetArakas, buy from Rolph & Gwen (261 Gold), dropped by Brigand, found in chests
Leather LeggingsArakas, buy from Rolph & Gwen (269 Gold), dropped by Brigand & Tomb Raider
Letter from Damien to XanthRaven Dust, received from Monsignore Damien during the Death of Shadeen quest
Letter to JamarRaven Dust, received from Kalir during the Royal Key quest
Letter to KalirRaven Dust, received from Jamar during the Royal Key quest
Letter to SunrockArakas, received from
Lost Blade of the DragonStoneheim, quest item, received from Major Fairweather for bringing him 6 Thank You notes
Lost Helm of the DragonStoneheim, quest item, give 6 Certificates of Recognition to Mayor Fairweather
Lost Psalms of Artherk p 1Stoneheim dropped by Pilferer
Lost Psalms of Artherk p 2Stoneheim dropped by Pilferer
Lost Psalms of Artherk p 3Stoneheim dropped by Pilferer
Lost Psalms of Artherk p 4Stoneheim dropped by Pilferer
Lost Psalms of Artherk p 5Stoneheim dropped by Pilferer
Lute of PeaceStoneheim, quest item, received from Dionysus Silverstream for recharging

Item NameWhere to Find
Mace of StrengthNowhere
Madrigan's Hat of CamouflageArakas, Mad's House, found in Madrigan's chest
Madrigan's KeyArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Mad Madrigan
Magic Scripting KitStoneheim, buy from Eldantor (20,000 Gold) during the Heart of Artherk quest
Magical LuteRaven Dust, dropped by Death Jester
Malachite Crystal KeyOracle Realm, found in a chest with precious stones
Mana ElixirArakas, buy ftom Ttayh Mark (Black Market) (183 Gold), dropped by Graax, Guurk & Runaway Patient, found in chest and dropped by Madman at Mad House / Raven Dust, buy from Boreas (150 Gold), dropped by various monsters, found in chests / Stoneheim, buy from Chryseida Yolangda & Kwarlgloth (150 Gold), dropped by various monsters, found in chests
Mana PrismArakas, Mad's House, found in chests / Raven's Dust, Forest of No Return, found in chests / Stoneheim, dropped by Carrion Crawler, Dark Warlord, Evil Warlord, Leprechaun, Neoflare, Purifier, Shadow Demon & Skraug Totemherbdoktor, found in chests at Nether Isles, Oracle Realm, Wasp Cave, Spider Cave & Undead Cave
Mana RodRaven Dust, buy from Aloysius Starbolt (32,000 Gold) during the Kraanian Egg quest
ManastoneArakas, dropped by Count Hemogoblin, Doktor Spine & Dr. Von Pyre, found in chests at Mad House / Raven Dust, dropped by Death Chosen, Doom Guard, Hoofcrusher, Minotaur Shaman, Skeleton Warlock, Bane Blackblood, Flesh Golem, Mysticist & Grott / Stoneheim, buy from Kwarlgloth (1,000 Gold), dropped by Black Prophet, Cave Dweller, Mad Berserker Demon, Obsidian Assassin, Putrid beast, Shadowfiend, Skraug Moonfiredansah & Spectral Knight, found in chests
MandrakeStoneheim, buy from Chryseida Yolangda (2,000 Gold)
Mantle of DeathOracle Realm, found in chests
Mantle of Infinite BlessingsNowhere
Mantle of the ElementsNowhere
Merchant LetterArakas, received from Kihlor Dhul during the Merchant Letter quest
Midnight ShroudNowhere
Mind Control TalismanStoneheim, received from unconscious Red-Eyed Centaurs when killed with the Staff of Submission
Minotaur's Clan RingRaven Dust, dropped by Hoofcrusher & Minotaur Chieftain
Mithril Bastard SwordStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (254,305 Gold), dropped by Neoflare, found in chests at Nether Isles
Mithril Bastard Sword +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (762,915 Gold)
Mithril Bastard Sword +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (2,543,050 Gold)
Mithril Battle AxeStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (332,053 Gold), dropped by Mad Berserker Demon
Mithril Battle Axe +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (996,159 Gold)
Mithril Battle Axe +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (3,320,530 Gold)
Mithril BladeStoneheim, buy from Gulfrid Steelhammer (83,191 Gold), dropped by Spectral Knight, found in chest at Centaur Cave, Undead Cave & Spider Cave
Mithril Blade +1Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (249,573 Gold), dropped by Bone Demon
Mithril Blade +2Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (831,910 Gold)
Mithril Blade +3Oracle Realm, found in chests
Mithril Broad AxeStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (451,823 Gold)
Mithril Broad Axe +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (1,355,469 Gold)
Mithril Broad Axe +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (4,518,230 Gold)
Mithril Broad Axe +3Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (18,072,920 Gold)
Mithril BroadswordStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (208,226 Gold), found in chests at Nether Isles & Undead Cave
Mithril Broadsword +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (624,678 Gold)
Mithril Broadsword +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (2,082,260 Gold)
Mithril Chainmail ArmorStoneheim, dropped by Centaur Avenger & Shadowfiend
Mithril Chainmail BootsStoneheim, dropped by Obsidian Assassin, Shadowfiend & Centaur Avenger, found in chests at Undead Cave & Spider Cave
Mithril Chainmail GauntletsStoneheim, dropped by Obsidian Assassin, Shadowfiend & Centaur Avenger, found in chests at Spider Cave & Undead Cave
Mithril Chainmail GirdleRaven Dust, found in chest at Forest of No Return / Stoneheim, dropped by Obsidian Assassin, Shadowfiend & Centaur Avenger, found in chests at Nether Isles & Spider Cave
Mithril Chainmail HelmetStoneheim, dropped by Centaur Avenger & Shadowfiend, found in chests at Nether Isles, Spider Cave & Mordenthal's Dungeon
Mithril Chainmail LeggingsStoneheim, dropped by Centaur Avenger & Shadowfiend, found in chests at Spider Cave, Mordenthal's Dungeon & Undead Cave
Mithril DaggerStoneheim, buy from Gulfrid Steelhammer (57,821 Gold), found in chests at Wasp Cave, Spider Cave, Centaur Cave & Undead Cave
Mithril Dagger +1Stoneheim buy from Thor Glarefire (249,573 Gold)
Mithril Dagger +2Stoneheim buy from Thor Glarefire (578,210 Gold)
Mithril FlailStoneheim, buy from Gulfrid Steelhammer (147,737 Gold), found in chest at Nether Isles & Undead Cave
Mithril Flail +1Stoneheim buy from Thor Glarefire (443,211 Gold)
Mithril Flail +2Stoneheim buy from Thor Glarefire (1,477,370 Gold)
Mithril Long SwordStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (186,913 Gold), dropped by Crypt Custodian, found in chest at Nether Isles
Mithril Long Sword +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (560,739 Gold)
Mithril Long Sword +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (1,869,130 Gold)
Mithril MorningstarStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (230,691 Gold)
Mithril Morningstar +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (692,073 Gold)
Mithril Morningstar +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (2,306,910 Gold)
Mithril Morningstar +3Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (9,227,640 Gold)
Mithril ScimitarStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (230,691 Gold)
Mithril Scimitar +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (692,073 Gold)
Mithril Scimitar +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (2,306,910 Gold)
Mithril ShieldStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (65,284 Gold), dropped by Mad Berserker Demon & Centaur Champion, found in chests at Undead Cave & Nether Isles
Mithril Two Handed SwordStoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (279,071 Gold)
Mithril Two Handed Sword +1Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (837,213 Gold)
Mithril Two Handed Sword +2Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (2,790,710 Gold)
Mithril Two Handed Sword +3Stoneheim, buy from Lord of the Shops (11,162,840 Gold)
Monk's White SashNowhere
Moon Tug ScalpStoneheim, dropped by all Purple Skraugs, found in Skraug Corpses at Skraug Cave
Moonstone RingRaven Dust, dropped by Flesh Golem
Mordred's keyStoneheim, dropped by Commander Mordred during the Obsidian Conclave quest
Morningstar of the SunStoneheim, found in locked chest near Mortal Wombat at Centaur Cave / Nether Isles, dropped by Purifier
Mummy's BandagesRaven Dust, dropped by Bandaged Horror, Bend Hayjes the Rotten & Flesh Eater
Mystic Headband of the WindOracle Realm, found in chests

Item NameWhere to Find
Nature's GarbRaven Dust, quest item, reward for giving the 4 gems to Darius (Red, Green, Blue & Yellow)
Necklace of the Black HeartRaven Dust, dropped by Bane Blackblood
Necromantic ScrollArakas, buy from Araknor (10,000 Gold) during the Blood of Ogrimar quest
Nephil Spider VenomStoneheim, received from Julian during the Blood of Ogrimar quest
NightswordArakas, quest item, Jagar Kar trade it for a Sword of Fury
Nomad's House KeyArakas, received by Guild Leader Ethan during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
NoteRaven Dust, dropped by Deep One Boss during the Kraanian Egg quest

Item NameWhere to Find
Oak Composite BowStoneheim, buy from Gulfrid Steelhammer (208,226 Gold)
Oak Composite Bow +1Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (624,678 Gold)
Oak Composite Bow +2Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (2,082,260 Gold)
Oak Composite Bow +3Nowhere
Oak Compound BowStoneheim, buy from Gulfrid Steelhammer (186,913 Gold), dropped by Mortal Wombat
Oak Compound Bow +1Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (560,739 Gold)
Oak Compound Bow +2Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (1,869,130 Gold)
Oak FlatbowRaven Dust, Forest of No Return, found in chests / Stoneheim, buy from Gulfrid Steelhammer (113,163 Gold), found in chests at Mordenthal's Dungeon, Spider Cave, Wasp Cave & Undead Cave
Oak Flatbow +1Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (339,489 Gold)
Oak Flatbow +2Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (1,131,630 Gold)
Oak LongbowStoneheim, buy from Gulfrid Steelhammer (129,874 Gold), found in chests at Nether Isles & Undead Cave
Oak Longbow +1Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (389,622 Gold)
Oak Longbow +2Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (1,298,740 Gold)
Oak Recurve BowStoneheim, buy from Gulfrid Steelhammer (166,749 Gold), found in chests at Undead Cave
Oak Recurve Bow +1Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (500,247 Gold)
Oak Recurve Bow +2Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (1,667,490 Gold)
Oak Reflex BowStoneheim, buy from Gulfrid Steelhammer (147,737 Gold), foundin chests at Undead Cave
Oak Reflex Bow +1Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (443,211 Gold)
Oak Reflex Bow +2Stoneheim, buy from Thor Glarefire (1,477,370 Gold)
Oddly Shaped Shard of StoneOracle Realm, dropped by A Timeless Guardian (only if killed in the correct order)
Onyx Crystal KeyOracle Realm, found in a chest with precious stones
Onyx Ring Raven Dust, dropped by Bane Blackblood
Orcish PlansRaven Dust, quest item, dropped by Ghundarg Rumblefoot
Orcish ShieldRaven Dust, dropped by Orc Deserter, Orc Berserker, Blaarg Toemangler, Hurbag Nailripper, Ghundarg Rumblefoot, Orc Guardian & Stinkbreath
Orcish Wristband Raven Dust, quest item, forged by Rumblefoot Ghundarg

Item NameWhere to Find
Pearl of WisdomArakas, received from Moonrock during the Soul of Artherk quest
Pendant of LuckNowhere
Pink Tree's LeafArakas, dropped by Araf Kul
Pinpoint ArrowsArakas, buy from Ttayh Mark (1,500 Gold)
Plain ScrollArakas, buy from R'yleth Cth (326 Gold)
Plate ProtectorStoneheim, dropped by Skraug Bludfightor, Skraug Madlimbmanglor& Skraug Meanheaddrummah, A Skraug Sentry, A Skraug Guard & A Sentry, found in chests at Nether Isles, Mordenthal's Dungeon, Spider Cave, Centaur Cave & Undead Cave
Platemail ArmorStoneheim, dropped by A Skraug Sentry, A Skraug Guard, A Sentry & Dark Noble
Platemail BootsRaven Dust, dropped by Dark Axe / Stoneheim dropped by Skraug Protekterritor, A Skraug Sentry, A Skraug Guard, A Sentry & Dark Noble, found in chests at Nether Isles & Spider Cave
Platemail GauntletsStoneheim, dropped by Skraug Bludfightor, A Skraug Sentry, A Skraug Guard, A Sentry & Dark Noble, found in chest at Nether Isles, SH Crypt & Spider Cave
Platemail HelmetStoneheim, dropped by Dark Noble, A Skraug Sentry, A Skraug Guard & A Sentry, found in chests at Mordenthal's Dungeon, Nether Isles, Spider Cave & Undead Cave
Platemail LeggingsStoneheim, dropped by Skraug Bludfightor, A Skraug Sentry, A Sentry, A Skraug Guard, Skraug Grubbringah & Dark Noble
Platinum RingRaven Dust, quest item, reward from Aloysius Starbolt for killing the Orc Arch Mage
Poison AppleRaven Dust, created by Elysana Blackrose during the Poison Apple quest
Polished Bone KeyStoneheim, dropped by Deathstalker, Shadowfiend & Mortal Wombat
Polished Broadsword Arakas, buy from Ttayh Mark (14,529 Gold), dropped by T-Bone / Raven Dust, dropped by Death Jester, found in chests / Stoneheim, found in chests at Skraug Cave
Polished Broadsword +1Arakas, buy from Karahn (43,587 Gold)
Polished Broadsword +2Arakas, buy from Seban Forgelot (145,290 Gold)
Polished Broadsword +3Nowhere
Polished DaggerArakas, buy from Ttayh Mark (9,323 Gold)
Polished Dagger +1Arakas, buy from Karahn (27,989 Gold)
Polished Dagger +2Arakas, buy from Seban Forgelot (93,230 Gold)
Polished Dagger +3Nowhere
Polished DirkArakas, buy from Ttayh Mark (5,266 Gold)
Polished Dirk +1Arakas, buy from Karahn (15,798 Gold)
Polished Dirk +2Arakas, buy from Seban Forgelot (52,660 Gold)
Polished Hand AxeArakas, buy from Ttayh Mark (20,887 Gold) / Raven Dust, dropped by Bane Blackblood, Grudish Earchewer & Liedric Throatcutter
Polished Hand Axe +1Arakas, buy from Karahn (62,661 Gold)
Polished Hand Axe +2Arakas, buy from Seban Forgelot (208,870 Gold)
Polished Hand Axe +3Nowhere
Polished Long SwordArakas, buy from Ttayh Mark (9,323 Gold), dropped by Scar-Face Razek, found in locked chest near Jarko / Mad's House, found in Madrigan's chest / Raven Dust, drop from Orc Battlemage & Stinkbreath, found in chests
Polished Long Sword +1Arakas, buy from Karahn (27,969 Gold)
Polished Long Sword +2Arakas, buy from Seban Forgelot (93,230 Gold)
Polished Short SwordArakas, buy from Ttayh Mark (5,266 Gold) found in locked chest near Jarko, found in Madrigan's chest at Mad House / Raven Dust dropped by Nightblades, found in chests
Polished Short Sword +1Arakas, buy from Karahn (15,798 Gold)
Polished Short Sword +2Arakas, buy from Seban Forgelot (52,660 Gold)
Potion of Clear ThoughtArakas, Mad's House, found in chests / Raven Dust, Forest of No Return, found in chests / Stoneheim, dropped by Acid Zombie & Gauze Corpse, found in chests
Potion of Critical HealingArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Crazed Nurse, found in chests at Mad House / Raven Dust, dropped by Liedric Throatcutter / Stoneheim, dropped by various monsters, found in chests
Potion of Cure DiseaseStoneheim, found in chests
Potion of Cure PoisonStoneheim, found in chests
Potion of Cure RabiesStoneheim, buy from Chryseida Yolangda (1,000 Gold), dropped by Night Hunter, found in chests
Potion of Deific HealingArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Crazed Nurse, found in Madrigan's chest / Raven Dust, dropped by Flesh Golem / Oracle Realm, found in chests
Potion of FortitudeArakas, found in chest at Mad House / Raven Dust, Forest of No Return, found in chests / Stoneheim, found in chests
Potion of FuryArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Madman & Mad Madrigan,found in chests at Mad House / Raven Dust, dropped by various monsters / Stoneheim, dropped by various monsters, found in chests
Potion of Greater Air ResistanceStoneheim, quest item, reward from Meltar Winterstorm for any moonstone gem (chance to get it)
Potion of Greater Earth ResistanceStoneheim, quest item, reward from Meltar Winterstorm for any limestone gem (chance to get it)
Potion of Greater Fire ResistanceStoneheim, quest item, reward from Meltar Winterstorm for any garnet gem (chance to get it)
Potion of Greater Protection from Evil
Potion of Greater Water ResistanceStoneheim, quest item, reward from Meltar Winterstorm for any aquamarine gem (chance to get it)
Potion of HealingArakas, buy from Fali & Yolak (125 Gold), buy from Ttayh Mark (Black Market) (183 Gold) / Raven Dust, buy from Boreas (125 Gold) / Stoneheim, buy from Chryseida Yolangda & Kwarlgloth (125 Gold) / Dropped by various monsters and found in chests (in all islands)
Potion of HeroismRaven Dust, dropped by Orc Battlemage, Orc Berserker
Potion of Lesser Air ResistanceArakas, found in chests at Mad House / Stoneheim, quest item, reward from Meltar Winterstorm for any agate gem (chance to get it)
Potion of Lesser Earth ResistanceArakas, found in chests at Mad House / Stoneheim, quest item, reward from Meltar Winterstorm for any malachite gem (chance to get it)
Potion of Lesser Fire ResistanceArakas, found in chests at Mad House / Stoneheim, quest item, reward from Meltar Winterstorm for any carnelian gem (chance to get it)
Potion of Lesser Protection from EvilArakas, found in chests at Mad House
Potion of Lesser Water ResistanceArakas, found in chest at Mad House / Stoneheim, quest item, reward from Meltar Winterstorm for any amethyst gem (chance to get it)
Potion of Light HealingArakas, buy from Fali & Yolak (50 Gold), buy from Ttayh Mark (Black Market) (74 Gold) / Raven Dust, buy from Boreas (50 Gold) / Stoneheim, buy from Chryseida Yolangda & Kwarlgloth (50 Gold) / Dropped by various monsters and found in chests (in all islands)
Potion of ManaArakas, buy from Fali & Yolak (50 Gold) / Raven Dust, buy from Boreas (50 Gold) / Stoneheim, buy from Chryseida Yolangda & Kwarlgloth (50 Gold) / Dropped by various monsters and found in chests (in all islands)
Potion of NimblenessArakas, found in chests at Mad House / Raven Dust, Forest of No Return, found in chests / Stoneheim, dropped by Berserker Rat & Shrieker Rodent, found in chests
Potion of Partial Air ResistanceArakas, Mad's House, found in Madrigan chest / Stoneheim, quest item, reward from Meltar Winterstorm for any diamond gem (chance to get it)
Potion of Partial Earth ResistanceArakas, Mad's House, found in Madrigan chest / Stoneheim, quest item, reward from Meltar Winterstorm for any emerald gem (chance to get it)
Potion of Partial Fire ResistanceArakas, Mad's House, found in Madrigan chest / Stoneheim, quest item, reward from Meltar Winterstorm for any ruby gem (chance to get it)
Potion of Partial Protection from EvilArakas, Mad's House, found in Madrigan chest
Potion of Partial Water ResistanceArakas, Mad's House, found in Madrigan chest / Stoneheim, quest item, reward from Meltar Winterstorm for any sapphire gem (chance to get it)
Potion of RegenerationStoneheim, found in chests at Mordenthal's Dungeon, Undead Cave, Nether Isles & in chests & Skraug corpses at Skraug Cave
Potion of Serious HealingArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Crazed Nurse, Dr. Von Pyre & Mad Madrigan, found in chests at Mad House / Raven Dust, dropped by Grott, Grudish Earchewer & Hurbag Nailripper / Stoneheim, buy from Chryseida Yolangda & Kwarlgloth (300 Gold), dropped by various monsters, found in chests
Potion of TranquilityArakas, found in chests at Mad House / Raven Dust, Forest of No Return, found in chests / Stoneheim, dropped by Celestial Cobra, Dark Cleric, Gauze Corpse & Purifier, found in chests
Pouch of Black SnakerootRaven Dust, dropped by Doom Guard & Minotaur Shaman
Pouch of Blue CohoshRaven Dust, dropped by Minotaur Shaman, Liedric Throatcutter, Nightblade & Minotaur Chieftain
Pouch of Dandelions LeavesRaven Dust, quest item, forged by Morindin Arrowmist
Pouch of WillowbarkRaven Dust, reward from Celestina Waterbreeze for saving the Little Tree quest
Pouch of Witch HazelRaven Dust, dropped by Rogue Mage, Orc Battlemage, Dead Bolt, Death Jester & Skullfire
Pouch of Woody NightshadeRaven Dust, dropped by Rogue Mage, Orc Battlemage, Orc Guardian & Minotaur Shaman
Pouch of Yellow PowderArakas, dropped by Araf Kul and Roshnak Tul
Prismatic ArmbandStoneheim, dropped by Fenris Wolf
Prismatic BladeStoneheim, found in chests at Nether Isles, Centaur Cave & Skraug Cave
Pulsating KeyOracle Realm, found in chest at the Chamber of Swiftness

Item NameWhere to Find
QuarterstaffArakas, buy from Ttayh Mark (1169 Gold)
Quarterstaff +1Arakas, buy from Karahn (3057 Gold)
Quarterstaff +2Arakas, buy from Seban Forgelot (11690 Gold)
Quiver of StabilityArakas, received from Gypsy during the Crimsonscale Letter quest

Item NameWhere to Find
RaincloakRaven Dust, Forest of No Return, dropped by Drain Spider, found in chests
RaindropRaven Dust, Forest of No Return, dropped by Drain Rat
Rang-kwanRaven Dust, buy from Kiadus (5,985 Gold)
Rang-kwan +1Raven Dust, buy from Rawlin (17,955 Gold)
Rang-kwan +2Raven Dust, buy from Dafyd (59,850 Gold)
Raw CrystalStoneheim, dropped by all Green Skraugs, found in Skraug Corpses and chests in Skraug Cave
Red CapeArakas, buy from Rolph & Gwen (700 Gold), dropped by Count Hemogoblin, Mrish Yellowblood / Raven Dust, buy from Taliron & Nafuhr Bloodhammer(700 Gold), dropped by Bane Blackblood, Bugar Pouchsnatcher, Ghundarg Rumblefoot, Skeleton Warlord & Dark Axe
Red Crystal ShardArakas, found in chest at Lothar's Sacred Temple during Crimsonscale Letter quest
Red GemRaven Dust, dropped by Demon Tree
Red SpellbookStoneheim, dropped by Skraug Moonfiredansah & Skraug Totemherbdoktor
Reynen's KeyRaven Dust, received by Raynen Aspicdart during the Royal Key quest
Rhodar HammerRaven Dust, dropped by Eye-Patched Qardos
Ring of AccuracyArakas, buy from Ttayh Mark (Black Market) (3445 Gold) / Raven Dust, quest item, forged by Grimish
Ring of BlinkingNowhere
Ring of ChanceNowhere
Ring of Confidence Arakas, Jarko Spellbook quest reward, buy from Ttayh Mark (Black Market) (2,319 Gold), dropped by Animated Corpse, Griroesh, Skeleton & Skeleton Warrior, found in chests / Raven Dust, Orcish Archmage quest reward, dropped by Illusion Weaver, Ghundarg Rumblefoot, found in chests
Ring of DarknessArakas, dropped by Griroesh, found in locked chest near Jarko, also obtained from Araknor in the Jarko's spellbook quest.
Ring of FaithRaven Dust, quest item, reward from Brother Thorkas for returning the Golden Chalice to the temple
Ring of LightArakas, buy from Ttayh Mark (Black Market) (1,722 Gold), dropped by Goblin Scout, Raider & Graax, found in chests / Raven Dust, dropped by Flesh Golem & Delwobble the Mad Sumoner, found in chests
Ring of Pure FaithStoneheim, quest item, forged by Theoran Ironfaith
Ring of TrustArakas, quest item, reward from Mirak Nira after you kill 100 goblins
Ring of the AdeptStoneheim, buy from Omar Hald (3,870 Gold)
Ring of the AssassinArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Deranged Orderly found in Madrigan's chest
Ring of the BearArakas, quest item, reward from Halam if you bring the Healing Leaf to Geena, buy from Ttayh Mark (Black Market) (1,901 Gold), dropped by Mrish Yellowblood, T-Bone & Trish Yellowblood / Raven Dust, dropped by Rogue Mage, Dune Raider, Orc Deserter & Minotaur Warrior
Ring of the BerserkerArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Madman & Mad Madrigan / Stoneheim, found in chest at Stoneheim Crypt
Ring of the DuellistStoneheim, found in chests at Wasp Cave
Ring of the ForesterRaven Dust, Forest of No Return, dropped by Drain Rat, found in chests
Ring of the HealerStoneheim, buy from Omar Hald (4,590 Gold)
Ring of the InitiateArakas, quest item, received from Lothan after you give him a Yellow Powder (chance 50% to get the ring)
Ring of the LionStoneheim, quest item, received from King Adenas Gravesoul if you give him 5 Collector's Books
Ring of the PriestStoneheim, buy from Omar Hald (9,000 Gold)
Ring of the RangerStoneheim, found in chests at Wasp Cave
Ring of the RogueStoneheim, dropped by Nightcreeper, found in chests at Undead Cave
Ring of the SeraphStoneheim, received by Roen Greenleaf during the Good Seraph quest
Ringmail ArmorArakas, buy from Gwen (10,039 Gold), dropped by Goblin Chieftain/Subchief/Warchief/Warlord, Gorben the Mad, Raider, Roshnak Tul & T-Bone / Raven Dust, buy from Taliron & Nafuhr Bloodhammer (10,039 Gold), dropped by Dark Axe, Orc Berserker & Skrull
Ringmail BootsArakas, buy from Gwen (2,949 Gold), dropped by Mrish Yellowblood, Roshnak Tul, T-Bone & Trish Yellowblood / Raven Dust, buy from Taliron & Nafuhr Bloodhammer (2,949 Gold), dropped by Dark Axe, Orc Berserker & Skrull
Ringmail GauntletsArakas, buy from Gwen (3,015 Gold), dropped by Mrish Yellowblood, Roshnak Tul & Thrish Yellowblood / Raven Dust, buy from Taliron & Nafuhr Bloodhammer (3,015 Gold), dropped by Dark Axe, found in chests
Ringmail GirdleArakas, buy from Gwen (2,308 Gold) / Raven Dust, buy from Taliron & Nafuhr Bloodhammer (2,308 Gold)
Ringmail HelmetArakas, buy from Gwen (3,258 Gold), dropped by Goblin Chieftain/Warchief/Warlord, Roshnak Tul, T-Bone & Gorben the Mad / Raven Dust, buy from Taliron & Nafuhr Bloodhammer (3,258 Gold), dropped by Dark Axe & Orc Berserker, found in chests
Ringmail LeggingsArakas, buy from Gwen (3,413 Gold), dropped by Goblin Chieftain/Warlord/Warchief, Gorben the Mad, T-Bone & Roshnak Tul / Raven Dust, buy from Taliron & Nafuhr Bloodhammer (3,413 Gold), dropped by Dark Axe, Orc Berserker & Skrull
Robe of HeavenStoneheim, quest item, reward from Dionysius Silverstream for charging his Lute of Peace (chance to get the Robe)
Robe of HellStoneheim, quest item, reward for giving 1 Scroll of Horse Friendship to Malachai Fatebringer (chance 25% to get the Robe)
Robe of the Arch MagiOracle Realm, found in chests
Robe of the Purified SoulsStoneheim, dropped by Purifiers at Nether Isles
Rolph's ReportArakas, received from Rolph during the Merchant letter quest
Rough AgateStoneheim, dropped by Berserker Rat, Blood Hound, Centaur Tracker, Creeping Sludge, Fernis Wolf, Gangrene Carrier, Howling Terror, Nemesis, Pilferer, Shadowfiend, Skraug Meanheaddrummah, Skraug Moonfiredansah, Skraug Standanbonkah, Warg & Heretic Warrior, found in chests at Undead Cave & Nether Isles
Rough AmethystStoneheim, dropped by Arachnofiend, Cave Dweller, Centaur Avenger, Colony Sentinel, Deathstalker, Foul Muck, Giant Black Widow, Hive Defender, Necrospider, Night Hunter, Pack Wolf, Purifier, Red-Eyed Centaur, Skraug Bigworviktor, Skraug Bludfightor, Skraug Munchhuntor, Toll Troll, Yoggoth Worm, Unseen Bat, & Shadow Demon, found in chests at Mordenthal's Dungeon & SH Crypt
Rough AquamarineStoneheim, dropped by Arachnofiend, Cave Dweller, Centaur Avenger, Colony Sentinel, Deathstalker, Foul Muck, Hive Defender, Necrospider, Night Hunter, Shadow Demon, Toll Troll, Pack Wolf, Purifier, Unseen Bat & Yoggoth Worm
Rough CarnelianStoneheim, dropped by Acid Zombie, Carrion Crawler, Centaur Champion, Centaur Sentinel, Centaur Tracker, Chaos Spawn, Dark Warlord, Foul Fiend, Gauze Corpse, Gremlin, Neoflare, Obsidian Assassin, Ribbon Fiend, Skraug Clangbangah, Skraug Grubbringah, Spectral Knight, Wraith Bat, Dark Noble, Mad Berserker Demon, A Skraug Sentry, A Sentry & Mortal Wombat, found in chests at Mordenthal's Dungeon
Rough DiamondStoneheim, dropped by Berserker Rat, Blood Hound, Creeping Sludge, Fernis Wolf, Gangrene Carrier, Howling Terror, Pilferer, Shadowfiend, Nemesis, Warg & Heretic Warrior
Rough EmeraldStoneheim, dropped by Black Prophet, Bone Demon, Celestial Cobra, Crypt Custodian, Dark Cleric, Fiend of the Pale, Great Wolf, Leprechaun, Nightcreeper, Putrid Beast, Shrieker Rodent, Skeletal Centaur, Skraug Totemherbdoktor, Wasp Drone & Wolfhound
Rough GarnetStoneheim, dropped by Acid Zombie, Carrion Crawler, Chaos Spawn, Centaur Champion, Dark Warlord, Foul Fiend, Gauze Corpse, Gremlin, Mad Berserker Demon, Mortal Wombat, Obsidian Assassin, Ribbon Fiend, Spectral Knight & Wraith Bat
Rough LimestoneStoneheim, dropped by Bone Demon, Celestial Cobra, Crypt Custodian, Dark Cleric, Great Wolf, Black Prophet, Fiend of the Pale, Leprechaun, Nightcreeper, Skeletal Centaur, Putrid Beast, Wasp Drone & Wolfhound, found in chests at Undead Cave, Spider Cave & Mordenthal's Dungeon
Rough MalachiteStoneheim, dropped by A Skraug Guard, Black Prophet, Bone Demon, Celestial Cobra, Crypt Custodian, Dark Cleric, Fiend of the Pale, Great Wolf, Leprechaun, Nightcreeper, Putrid Beast, Shrieker Rodent, Skeletal Centaur, Skraug Protekterritor, Skraug Totemherndoktor, Wasp Drone & Wolfhound, found in chests at Spider Cave
Rough MoonstoneStoneheim, dropped by Berserker Rat, Blood Hound, Centaur Tracker, Creeping Sludge, Fernis Wolf, Gangrene Carrier, Heretic Warrior, Howling Terror, Nemesis, Pilferer, Shadowstalker & Warg, found in chests at SH Crypt & Spider Cave
Rough RubyStoneheim, dropped by Acid Zombie, Carrion Crawler, Centaur Champion, Centaur Sentinel, Chaos Spawn, Dark Warlord, Foul Fiend, Gauze Corpse, Gremlin, Mortal Wombat, Neoflare, Obsidian Assassin, Ribbon Fiend, Spectral Knight, A Sentry, A Skraug Sentry, Skraug Clangbangah, Wraith Bat & Dark Noble, found in chests at Spider Cave & Centaur Cave
Rough SapphireStoneheim, dropped by Arachnofiend, Cave Dweller, Centaur Avenger, Colony Sentinel, Deathstalker, Foul Muck, Hive Defender, Necrospider, Night Hunter, Pack Wolf, Shadow Demon, Skraug Munchhuntor, Toll Troll, Unseen Bat & Yoggoth Worm
Round ShieldArakas, buy from Gwen (7389 Gold), dropped by Dorken Rotsmell,Mrish Yellowblood & Renegade Orc Leader / Raven Dust, buy from Taliron & Nafuhr Bloodhammer (7389 Gold), dropped by Death Jester / Stoneheim, found in chests at Skraug Cave
Royal Key #1Raven Dust, found in Reynen chest during the Royal Key quest
Royal Key #2Raven Dust, received by Chamberlain Thomar during the Royal Key quest
Royal Key #3Raven Dust, received by Zhakar during the Royal Key quest
Royal Key #4Raven Dust, received by Bane Blackblood during the Royal Key quest
Royal Key #5Raven Dust, received by Morindin Arrowmist during the Royal Key quest
Royal Key #6Raven Dust, received by Mordrick Warstone during the Royal Key quest
Ruby Dragon FangArakas, received from Dark Fang during the Will of Artherk quest
Ruby Crystal KeyOracle Realm, found in a chest with precious stones
Ruby Power FocusOracle Realm, found in chests
Rune-Etched Robe of ProtectionRaven Dust, dropped by Minotaur Shamans
Runed HalberdStoneheim, dropped by Crypt Custodians
Runed Malachite DiademOracle Realm, found in chests
Runed Stone TabletArakas, received from Tarnian during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Runic Scripting BoxArakas, quest item, forged by Iraltok
Rusted DaggerArakas, buy from Sigfried (605 Gold)
Rusted Dagger +1Arakas, buy from Karahn (1,815 Gold)
Rusted Dagger +2Arakas, buy from Seban Forgelot (6,050 Gold)
Rusted Dagger +3Nowhere
Rusted DirkArakas, buy from Sigfried (29 Gold), found in chests
Rusted Dirk +1Arakas, buy from Karahn (87 Gold)
Rusted Dirk +2Arakas, buy from Seban Forgelot (290 Gold)
Rusted Hand AxeArakas, buy from Sigfried (2,361 Gold), found in Madrigan's chest at Mad House / Raven Dust, dropped by Blaarg Toemangler & Hurbag Nailripper
Rusted Hand Axe +1Arakas, buy from Karahn (7,083 Gold)
Rusted Hand Axe +2Arakas, buy from Seban Forgelot (23,610 Gold)
Rusted Hand Axe +3Nowhere
Rusted Long SwordArakas, buy from Sigfried (605 Gold), dropped by Graax & Skeleton Warrior, found in chests, found in Madrigan's chests at Mad House / Raven Dust, dropped by Burly Jailkeeper, found in chests
Rusted Long Sword +1Arakas, buy from Karahn (1,815 Gold)
Rusted Long Sword +2Arakas, buy from Seban Forgelot (6,050 Gold)
Rusted Long Sword +3Nowhere
Rusted Short SwordArakas, buy from Sigfried (29 Gold), found in chests, found in Madrigan's chest at Mad House / Raven Dust, dropped by Desperate Prisoners, found in chests
Rusted Short Sword +1Arakas, buy from Karahn (87 Gold)
Rusted Short Sword +2Arakas, buy from Seban Forgelot (290 Gold)
Rusted Sword of SorrowNowhere

Item NameWhere to Find
Sacrificial Dagger of BleedingStoneheim, dropped by Nightcreeper & Pilferer
Sapphire BraceletArakas, quest item, reward from Lantalir Rainmist for returning the Book of Feylor / Raven Dust, dropped by Headsmasher, Hoofcrusher, Shrieking Horror, Taunting Horror, Orc Guardian, Minotaur Shaman & Illusion Weaver, found in chests
Sapphire Crystal KeyOracle Realm, found in a chest with precious stones
Sapphire GemRaven Dust, received form King Theodore VIII during the Poison Apple quest
Sapphire-Hilted RapierStoneheim, found in chests & Skraug Corpses at Skraug Cave, found in chests at Spider Cave
Sapphire Power FocusOracle Realm, found in chests
Scalemail ArmorStoneheim, buy from Herewald Ironbender (35,404 Gold), dropped by Chaos Spawn & Bone Demon
Scalemail Boots Raven Dust, found in chests & in chests at Forest of No Return / Stoneheim, buy from Herewald Ironbender (10,220 Gold), dropped by Bone Demon
Scalemail GauntletsRaven Dust, found in chests, dropped by Death Chosen / Stoneheim, buy from Herewald Ironbender (10,456 Gold), dropped by Bone Demon
Scalemail HelmetRaven Dust, found in chests / Stoneheim, buy from Herewald Ironbender (11,319 Gold), dropped by Bone Demon
Scalemail Leggings Raven Dust, dropped by Death Chosen / Stoneheim, buy from Herewald Ironbender (11,868 Gold), dropped by Bone Demon, found in chests at SH Crypt
Scalemail ProtectorStoneheim, buy from Herewald Ironbender (7,945 Gold), dropped by Bone Demon, found in chests at SH Crypt
Scarab ProtectorRaven Dust, quest item, reward from Samuel for killing the Death Jester and turn him his skull
Scorched Metal KeyOracle Realm, found in chest at the Chamber of Deception
Screaming Helm of OgrimarStoneheim, dropped by Dark Cleric & Black Prophet
Scroll of BarrierArakas, Mad's House, found in chests / Raven Dust, found in chests at Forest of No Return
Scroll of Detect HiddenArakas, Mad's House, found in chests / Raven Dust, Forest of No Return, dropped by Mysticist, found in chests
Scroll of Detect InvisibilityArakas, Mad's House, found in chests / Raven Dust, Forest of No Return, dropped by Mysticist, found in chests
Scroll of Earthen StrengthArakas, Mad's House, found in chests / Raven Dust, Forest of No Return, dropped by Mysticist
Scroll of EnchantmentArakas, forged by Mersac Cred
Scroll of Evil DeedRaven Dust, received from Shadeen during the Silver Feather quest
Scroll of HateStoneheim, buy from Shaman Weethgwotha during the Skull of Ogrimar quest
Scroll of Horse FriendshipStoneheim, quest reward from Scroll of Horse Friendship quest
Scroll of InvisibilityArakas, Mad's House, found in chests
Scroll of LighthavenArakas, buy from Yolak (5,000 Gold) / Raven Dust, buy fromBoreas (5,000 Gold) / Stoneheim buy from Chryseida Yolangda (5,000 Gold)
Scroll of Mana ShieldNowhere
Scroll of Mana SurgeNowhere
Scroll of Major Combat SenseNowhere
Scroll of Minor Combat SenseArakas, Mad's House, found in chests / Raven Dust, Forest of No Return, dropped by Drain Rat, found in chests
Scroll of Orientation IRaven Dust, Forest of No Return, dropped by Woodstalker & Jade Kingsnake, found in chests
Scroll of Orientation IIRaven Dust, Forest of No Return, dropped by Drain Spider & Mysticist, found in chests
Scroll of ProtectionArakas, found in chest at Mad House / Raven Dust, found in chests at Forest of No Return, dropped by Dark Custodian
Scroll of RecallArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Mad Madrigan, found in chests / Stoneheim, droppedby Black Prophet, Dark Noble, Neoflare, Skraug Moonfiredansah & Purifier, found in chests
Scroll of Resist FireRaven Dust, Forest of No Return, dropped by Dark Custodian
Scroll of Resist IceRaven Dust, Forest of No Return, dropped by Dark Custodian
Scroll of SanctuaryNowhere
Scroll of SilverskyRaven Dust, buy from Boreas (25,000 Gold) / Stoneheim buy from Chryseida Yolangda (25,000 Gold)
Scroll of Stone SkinNowhere
Scroll of StonecrestStoneheim buy from Chryseida Yolangda (50,000 Gold)
Scroll of True SightArakas, Mad's House, found in chests
Scroll of WindhowlArakas, buy from Yolak (10,000 Gold) / Raven Dust, buy from Boreas (10,000 Gold) / Stoneheim buy from Chryseida Yolangda (10,000 Gold)
Secret DocumentStoneheim, found in the steel safe at Thieves Hideout during the Lost Helm of the Dragon quest
Shadeen EarringsRaven Dust, dropped by Shadeen during the Death of Shadeen quest
Shadow BladeArakas, quest item, received from Araknor, if you give him the Stone of Life
Shaman HelmNowhere
Shaman's MantleRaven Dust, dropped by Grott & Ghundarg Rumblefoot / Stoneheim, found at Skraug Corpses in Skraug Cave
Shield of the AgesStoneheim, dropped by Makrsh P'Tangh
Shield of the DamnedStoneheim, found in chests at Mordenthal's Dungeon
Shield of WindhowlArakas, quest item, reward from the Wounding Guard for killing Mhorgwloth the Troll
Shimmering Platinum KeyOracle Realm, found in chest
Shimmering ffa500 RobeArakas, dropped by Tomb Raider, dropped by Crazed Nurse & Madman at Mad's House
Shiny Metal KeyStoneheim, found in chest at Major Fairweather's Residence
Shiny Silver KeyOracle Realm, dropped by B'thonian
Sigfried's ReportArakas, received from Sigfried during the Merchant Letter quest
Silver AxeArakas, buy from Ttayh Mark (Black Market) (14,894 Gold)
Silver FeatherRaven Dust, quest item, reward from Shadeen for returning the Chronicles of Doom
Silver Ring of EngagementNowhere
Silver Spoon of the ProphetArakas, Mad's House, dropped by Raving Lunatic, found in chests at Mad House
Silvery Ring of Undead BaneNowhere
Skaven ClubNowhere
Skaven KnifeNowhere
Skraugbashor MaceStoneheim, quest item, give 5 Moon Tug Scalps to Waljpoothin Headhunter
Skeleton AxeNowhere
Skeleton BoneArakas, dropped by Animated Corpse, Count Hemogoblin, Skeleton, Skeleton Guardian/Warrior, Skrull & T-Bone / Raven Dust, dropped by Skeleton Warlock, Skullfire, Doom Guard, Death Chosen, Dead Bolt, Bulldaoza & Death Jester
Skeleton HelmNowhere
Skull DaggerArakas, quest item, reward from Uranos for bringing him the Decaying Bat Wings
Skull of EvilStoneheim, received from Oogla Thraaglurh during the Skull of Ogrimar quest
Skull of OgrimarStoneheim, received from Zione Thunderheart during the Evil Seraph quest
Small Gold KeyOracle Realm, found in chest
Small KeyArakas, found in chest at Nomad's House during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Small Silver KeyOracle Realm, found in chest
Solid Gold KeyOracle Realm, dropped by B'thurkan
Solinae's StaffArakas, received upon death of Commander Owain during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Soul of ArtherkStoneheim, received from Nissus Haloseeker during the Good Seraph quest
Soul of FlareNowhere
Spectral HelmStoneheim, dropped by Spectral Knight
Spider Shaped RingStoneheim, found in chests at Spider Cave
Spider VenomStoneheim, dropped by Giant Black Widow & Necrospider
Stack of Demon Tree WoodRaven Dust, dropped by Demon Tree
Staff of HopeStoneheim, quest item, forged by Dionysus Silverstream
Staff of SubmissionStoneheim, received from King Grevasoul during the Will of Artherk quest
Staff of ThornsArakas, buy from Ttayh Mark (2,361 Gold)
Staff of Thorns +1Arakas, buy from Ttayh Mark (Black Market) (6,847 Gold), buy from Karahn (7,083 Gold)
Staff of Thorns +2Arakas, buy from Seban Forgelot (23,610 Gold)
Steel Reinforced ClubArakas, buy from Ttayh Mark (2,361 Gold), found in chests
Steel Reinforced Club +1Arakas, buy from Karahn (7,083 Gold)
Steel Reinforced Club +2Arakas, buy from Seban Forgelot (23,610 Gold)
Steel Reinforced WarhammerArakas, buy from Ttayh Mark (5,266 Gold)
Steel Reinforced Warhammer +1Arakas, buy from Karahn (15,798 Gold)
Steel Reinforced Warhammer +2Arakas, buy from Seban Forgelot (52,660 Gold)
Steel Reinforced Warhammer +3Nowhere
Steel Safe KeyStoneheim, found in chest at Mithianna Snowraven's house
Stone KeyRaven Dust, dropped by Death Chosen, Orc Guardian & Skeleton Warlock
Stone of LifeArakas, received from Asarr (1,000 Gold) or Mhorgwloth the Troll during the Stone of Life quest
Straight Jacket +1Arakas, Mad's House, dropped by Mad Patient & Madman, found in chests at Mad House
Studded Leather ArmorArakas, buy from Rolph & Gwen (4,538 Gold), dropped by Fugar the Smelly, Orc Scout, Trish Yellowblood, Scar-Face Razek, Mrish Yellowblood & Wandering Orc / Raven Dust, buy from Taliron & Nafuhr Bloodhammer(4,538 Gold)
Studded Leather BeltArakas, buy from Rolph & Gwen (1,086 Gold) / Raven Dust, buy from Taliron & Nafuhr Bloodhammer (1,086 Gold)
Studded Leather BootsArakas, buy from Rolph & Gwen (1,372 Gold), dropped by Fugar the Smelly, Trish Yellowblood, Scar-Face Razek & Mrish Yellowblood / Raven Dust, buy from Taliron & Nafuhr Bloodhammer (1,372 Gold), found in chests
Studded Leather GlovesArakas, buy from Rolph & Gwen (1,402 Gold), dropped by Fugar the Smelly & Scar-Face Razek / Raven Dust, buy from Taliron & Nafuhr Bloodhammer (1,402 Gold), found in chests
Studded Leather HelmetArakas, buy from Rolph & Gwen (1,510 Gold), dropped by Fugar the Smelly, Orc Scout/Warrior & Wandering Orc , found in chests / Raven Dust, buy from Taliron & Nafuhr Bloodhammer (1,510 Gold), found in chests
Studded Leather LeggingsArakas, buy from Rolph & Gwen (1,579 Gold), dropped by Fugar the Smelly, Orc Scout, Trish Yellowblood, Scar-Face Razek, Mrish Yellowblood & Wandering Orc / Raven Dust, buy from Taliron & NafuhrBloodhammer (1,579 Gold)
Sword of FuryArakas, dropped by Goblin Warlords
Sword of JusticeNowhere
Sword of LightNowhere
Sword of MajestyStoneheim, forged by Thor Glarefire during the Heart of Artherk quest
Sword of MightRaven Dust, found in the Well of Might during the Royal Key quest
Sword of the WarlordNowhere
Symbol of HopeStoneheim, buy from Chryseida Yolangda (10,000 Gold)

Item NameWhere to Find
Talisman of Protection from EvilStoneheim, Nether Isles, dropped by Purifier
Tanned Antelope SkinRaven Dust, forged from Dardros (1,400 Gold) during the Poison Apple quest
Tarantula FangStoneheim, dropped by Arachnofiend
Tarantula's EyesRaven Dust, dropped by Tarantula / Stoneheim, dropped by Arachnofiend
Tear Shaped PearlStoneheim, buy from Annithae Teardrop (12,000 Gold) during the Soul of Artherk quest
Templar's RingStoneheim, buy from Omar Hald (10,497 Gold)
TetsuboRaven Dust, buy from Kiadus (9,323 Gold)
Tetsubo +1Raven Dust, buy from Rawlin (27,980 Gold)
Tetsubo +2Raven Dust, buy from Dafyd (93,230 Gold)
Thank You NoteStoneheim, quest item, received from Sheriff Hornkeep Grant if you kill 8 Pilferers or 9 Nightcreepers
Tidal BladeNowhere
Tiger's ToothArakas, received from Siegfried during the Silver Feather quest
Tightly Wrapped ScrollRaven Dust, received from Monsignore Damien during the Death of Shadeen quest
Tome of Arcane KnowledgeStoneheim, dropped by Anthor the Mad during Tome of Arcane Knowledge quest
Tome of ValorArakas, received from Liurn Clar during the Heart of Artherk quest
TorchBuy from all Pot shops (12 Gold), dropped by various monsters and found in chests in all islands
Tower ShieldRaven Dust, quest item, reward from Mordrick Warstone for bringing him the Orcish Plans translated / Stoneheim, buy from Herewald Ironbender (43,408 Gold), dropped by A Skraug Guard, A Sentry & A Skraug Sentry, found in chests at Nether Isles
Translucent KeyOracle Realm, found in chest at the Chamber of Illusions
Translucent WristbandStoneheim, dropped by Obsidian Assassin
Trial KeyOracle Realm, received from The Oracle during the Good & Evil Seraph quest
Troll's ClubArakas, dropped from Mhorgwloth the Troll
Trueshot QuiverArakas, received from Gypsy during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Twisted DaggerArakas, quest item, reward from Yrian Earthsong for returning the Stone of Life
Twisted KeyStoneheim, dropped by Dark Warlord
Twisted Long SwordNowhere

Item Name Where to Find
Unsealed Letter from OwainArakas, found in chest at Nomad's House during the Crimsonscale Letter quest

Item Name Where to Find
Vampire AxeNowhere
Vampire Bat WingsRaven Dust, dropped by Vampire Bat
Vial of Dragon BloodRaven Dust, Mausoleum, received from Crimsonscale during the Crimsonscale Letter quest
Vial of Spider VenomArakas, dropped by Dark Spider
Villain's SkullStoneheim, dropped by Nightcreeper & Pilferer
Violet Crystal ShardArakas, found in chest at Lothar's Sacred Temple during Crimsonscale Letter quest

Item Name Where to Find
Warder's CloakStoneheim, dropped by Skeleton Warder
Warlock's RingArakas, dropped by Jarko the Necromancer
Wasp's WaxArakas, dropped by Giant Wasp / Raven Dust, dropped by Death Stinger / Stoneheim, dropped by Colony Sentinel, Hive Defender & Wasp Drone
Wax AppleRaven Dust, received from Samuel during the Poison Apple quest
Will of ArtherkStoneheim, received from Glaenshenmilandira during the Good Seraph quest
Willowisp RingRaven Dust, received from Willowisp Quest
Wizard's BaneNowhere
Wolftooth NecklaceNowhere
Wooden ArrowsArakas, buy from Sigfried (100 Gold) / Stoneheim, found at Skraug Corpses in Skraug Cave
Wooden ClubArakas, buy from Sigfried (29 Gold)
Wooden Club +1Arakas, buy from Karahn (87 Gold)
Wooden Club +2Arakas, buy from Seban Forgelot (290 Gold)
Wooden Club +3Nowhere
Wooden ShieldArakas, buy from Rolph & Gwen (3,355 Gold) / Raven Dust, dropped by Minotaur Chieftain
Wooden StaffArakas, buy from Sigfried (29 Gold)
Wooden Staff +1Arakas, buy from Karahn (87 Gold)
Wooden Staff +2Arakas, buy from Seban Forgelot (290 Gold)
Woodland RobeArakas, dropped by Orc Shamans
Wristband of Ogre StrengthRaven Dust, dropped by Bane Blackblood

Item NameWhere to Find
Yellow Crystal ShardArakas, dropped by Kraanian Stompers at Lothar's Sacred Temple during Crimsonscale Letter quest
Yellow GemRaven Dust, dropped by Blackguards