T4C Fantasy Bible

Armor Sets

Item NameEndStrAgiIntWisACDodgeBuySellEncBonusesFull Set
Cloth Pants00000001503-6 Enc
Cloth Vest00000001503-
Leather Armor2500001.45-46072028-+3.4 AC, -8 Dodge, 24 Enc
Leather Belt2500000.30212702-
Leather Boots2500000.405-1245823-
Leather Gloves2500000.405-1248833-
Leather Helmet2500000.39-1261873-
Leather Pants2500000.45-1269905-
Studded Leather Armor4500002.8-10453815139-+6.7 AC, -22 Dodge, 30 Enc
Studded Leather Belt4500000.6010863623-
Studded Leather Boots4500000.81-313724574-
Studded Leather Gloves4500000.81-314024674-
Studded Leather Helmet4500000.78-315105034-
Studded Leather Leggings4500000.9-315795266-
Ringmail Armor6000004.15-1410039334612-+10 AC, -31 Dodge, 43 Enc
Ringmail Boots6000001.215-429499836-
Ringmail Gauntlets6000001.215-4301510056-
Ringmail Girdle6000000.9023087694-
Ringmail Helmet6000001.17-4325810866-
Ringmail Leggings6000001.35-5341311389-
Elven Leather Armor7500005.5-6Drop59098-+13.3 AC, -14 Dodge, 33 Enc
Elven Leather Belt7500001.20Drop13392-
Elven Leather Boots7500001.62-2Drop17183-
Elven Leather Gloves7500001.62-2Drop17573-
Elven Leather Helmet7500001.56-2Drop19003-
Elven Leather Leggings7500001.8-2Drop19925-
Chainmail Armor8000005.95-1820777692612-+14.4 AC, -39 Dodge, 43 Enc
Chainmail Boots8000001.755-5607220096-
Chainmail Gauntlets8000001.755-5616520556-
Chainmail Girdle8000001.30469415644-
Chainmail Helmet8000001.69-5667022236-
Chainmail Leggings8000001.95-6699223319-
Scalemail Armor10000008.65-1535404118019-+21 AC, -33 Dodge, 30 Enc
Scalemail Boots10000002.565-51022034074-
Scalemail Gauntlets10000002.565-41045634854-
Scalemail Helmet10000002.47-41131937734-
Scalemail Leggings10000002.85-51186839566-
Scalemail Protector10000001.90794526483-
Azure Platemail Armor10000505016.750Summon00+10 to all Stats+40.8 AC, +50 to all stats, 0 Enc
Azure Platemail Boots1000050504.9950Summon00+8 to all Stats
Azure Platemail Gauntlets1000050504.9950Summon00+8 to all Stats
Azure Platemail Helm1000050504.810Summon00+8 to all Stats
Azure Platemail Leggings1000050505.550Summon00+8 to all Stats
Azure Platemail Protector1000050503.70Summon00+8 to all Stats
Elven Chainmail Armor110000010.0-12Drop1472510 +2 to all Magic Resistances+24.3 AC, -28 Dodge, +10 to all Magic Resists, 37 Enc
Elven Chainmail Boots11000002.97-4Drop42455+2 to all Magic Resistances
Elven Chainmail Gauntlets11000002.97-4Drop43435+2 to all Magic Resistances
Elven Chainmail Girdle11000002.20Drop32984-
Elven Chainmail Helmet11000002.86-4Drop47025+2 to all Magic Resistances
Elven Chainmail Leggings11000003.3-4Drop49318+2 to all Magic Resistances
Plate Protector12500002.70Drop44076-+29.8 AC, -62 Dodge, 57 Enc
Platemail Armor125000012.25-28Drop1971915-
Platemail Boots12500003.645-9Drop56768-
Platemail Gauntlets12500003.645-8Drop58088-
Platemail Helmet12500003.51-8Drop62898-
Platemail Leggings12500004.05-9Drop659512-
Gleaming Bluestone Chestplate12515000012.25-19Drop-5Check Armor Gems+29.8 AC, -41 Dodge, with Gem: +79.83 AC, -41 Dodge, +40 to all Magic Resists, 21 Enc
Gleaming Bluestone Gauntlets1251500003.645-5Drop-3Check Armor Gems
Gleaming Bluestone Headgear1251500003.51-5Drop-3Check Armor Gems
Gleaming Bluestone Legplates1251500004.05-6Drop-4Check Armor Gems
Gleaming Bluestone Protector1251500002.70Drop-3Check Armor Gems
Gleaming Bluestone Sabatons1251500003.645-6Drop-3Check Armor Gems
Mithril Chainmail Armor150000016.75-17Drop2966210+3 to all Magic Resistances+40.8 AC, -39 Dodge, +15 to all Magic Resists, 36 Enc
Mithril Chainmail Boots15000004.995-6Drop85275+3 to all Magic Resistances
Mithril Chainmail Gauntlets15000004.995-5Drop87245+3 to all Magic Resistances
Mithril Chainmail Girdle15000003.70Drop66174-
Mithril Chainmail Helmet15000004.81-5Drop94495+3 to all Magic Resistances
Mithril Chainmail Leggings15000005.55-6Drop99107+3 to all Magic Resistances
Dwarven Plate Protector16000004.20Drop76276-+46.3 AC, -80 Dodge, +20 to all Magic Resists, 57 Enc
Dwarven Platemail Armor160000019.0-36Drop3420715+4 to all Magic Resistances
Dwarven Platemail Boots16000005.67-11Drop98308+4 to all Magic Resistances
Dwarven Platemail Gauntlets16000005.67-11Drop100588+4 to all Magic Resistances
Dwarven Platemail Helmet16000005.46-10Drop108938+4 to all Magic Resistances
Dwarven Platemail Leggings16000006.3-12Drop1142412+4 to all Magic Resistances
Dragonscale Armor180000023.05-14Chest8969310+10 fire resist, +5 to all other resists+56.2 AC, -31 Dodge, +50 Fire Resistance, +25 to all Magic Resists, 36 Enc
Dragonscale Boots18000006.885-4Chest257355+10 fire resist, +5 to all other resists
Dragonscale Gauntlets18000006.885-4Chest263335+10 fire resist, +5 to all other resists
Dragonscale Helmet18000006.63-4Chest285255+10 fire resist, +5 to all other resists
Dragonscale Leggings18000007.65-5Chest299207+10 fire resist, +5 to all other resists
Dragonscale Protector18000005.10Chest98634-
Adamantite Plate Protector23000007.9050144167136-+87 AC, -115 Dodge, 49 Enc
Adamantite Platemail Armor230000035.65-522252827509414-
Adamantite Platemail Boots230000010.665-1664652215517-
Adamantite Platemail Gauntlets230000010.665-1566153220517-
Adamantite Platemail Helmet230000010.27-1571658238867-
Adamantite Platemail Leggings230000011.85-17751602505311-
Ancient Plate Protector300000012.70Drop293282-+139.8 AC, +50 to all Magic Resists, 24 Enc
Ancient Platemail Armor300000057.250Drop-8+10 to all Magic Resistances
Ancient Platemail Boots300000017.1450Drop378243+10 to all Magic Resistances
Ancient Platemail Gauntlets300000017.1450Drop387033+10 to all Magic Resistances
Ancient Platemail Helmet300000016.510Drop419263+10 to all Magic Resistances
Ancient Platemail Leggings300000019.050Drop439765+10 to all Magic Resistances


Item NameStrEndAgiIntWisACBonusEncObtainSell
Cloak of Armageddon037017570+20+50 Int, -25 Dodge, Meteor5Quest-
Cloak of Damnation031027715+21+75 Int, -25 Dodge, +10 Fire Power, Damned Fire5Summon-
Cloak of Deceit01607815+6+15 Int, -25 Dodge, +10 Dark Power5Jarko1625
Cloak of Renewal0250106112+15+10 Str, +25 Int & Wis, -25 Dodge, Renewal5Oracle-
Cloak of the Ages0450234146+35-25 Dodge, +35 Fire/Earth/Water/Air Power5Summon-
Cloak of the Archer250703040+10+25 Dodge, +50 Archery7Quest37671
Cloak of the Midnight Mists035026515+25-25 Dodge, +50 Int, +50 Dark Power5Summon-
Cloak of the Skull030010050+30-30 Dodge2Mysticist-
Conjurer's Mantle020011020+10+20 Int, -25 Dodge, +10 Fire, Water Power5Illusion Weavers5887
Drachenrobe02509873+15+10 to all Magic Power5Drain Spider-
Elven Silversilk Robe01602073+6+10 Wis, +5 Str, -25 Dodge, +10 Dark Resist5Flesh Golem1625
Flowing Black Robe01204015+2+10 Int, -25 Dodge5Balork449
Garb of the Dead021012815+11+20 Int, -25 Dodge, +25 Dark Power5Skeleton Warlock8747
High Clerist's Robes025025155+15+10 End, +10 Wis, -25 Dodge, +20 Light Power5Oracle-
Mantle of Death025020115+15+40 Int, -25 Dodge, +20 Dark Power, Ebbing Strength5Oracle-
Mantle of Infinite Blessings030035218+20+25 Wis, -25 Dodge, + 5 to all Magic Resist, +30 Light Power, Blessing5Summon-
Mantle of the Elements025012853+15+20 Int, -25 Dodge, +20 to Earth/Water/Fire/Air Power5Summon28701
Nature's Garb020015115+10+40 Wis, -25 Dodge5Quest8747
Raincloak020010020+10-25 Dodge, Check Armor Gems4Drain Spider-
Robe of Heaven028073135+18+25 Wis, -25 Dodge, +10 Water/Air/Fire/Earth & Dark Resistances5Quest-
Robe of Hell028012385+18+25 Int, -25 Dodge, +25 Fire & Dark Resist, -15 Earth & Light Power, -15 Water Resist5Quest666
Robe of the Arch Magi027019015+17+50 Int, -25 Dodge, +20 Fire Power5Oracle-
Robe of the Purified Souls018015103+8+10 Wis, -25 Dodge, +25 Dark Resist5Purifiers3250
Robe of Sorcery03004040+2+1 Int5Summon500
Rune-Etched Robe of Protection01604350+11+5 Str, +5 Wis, +5 Int, -25 Dodge5Minotaur Shamans5332
Shaman's Mantle01805068+8+15 Wis, +10 Int, +10 Str, -25 Dodge5Grott5332
Shimmering White Robe01202035+2+5 Wis, +5 Str, -25 Dodge5Tomb Raider449
Voyeur's Cloak01203520+2-25 Dodge, Voyeur Cloak5Summon449
Woodland Robe01202828+2+5 Wis, +5 Int, -25 Dodge5Orc Shamans449


Item NameStrEndAgiIntWisACDodgeBuySellEncSpecial Bonuses
Hardened Leather Armor0250001.45-4Summon2028-
Goblin Leather Armor025017182.45-4Drop3648-
Straight Jacket +10450002.8-35Drop15139+5 Str, +5 Meditate / Rapid Healing, -25 Attack
Armor of Cowardice0460002.80Summon15798-
Armor of Selfishness06703005.0-5Summon44188-
Blessed Chainmail Armor080040535.95-18Quest933112+25 Dark Resist
Ancient Celestial Plate3010030303012.00-19Quest05+13.33% AC (always reduced down), restores the caster's lost HP, restores the caster's lost mana, Essence of Seraph
Drachenplate01850434316.75-34Drop-5+10 to all Magic Resistances, Check Armor Gems


Item NameEndAgiIntWisBonusEncBuySell
Arcane Circlet of Power0026515+100 Int, -25 Light Power3Oracle-
Crown of the Death Jester001921+2 AC3Drop736
Crown of the Visionary004750+3 AC, +5 Air/Fire/Earth/Water & Dark Resist3Drop7923
Drachenhelm1007050+10 AC, +50 Dodge, Check Armor Gems2Drop-
Elven Hat0000-2Summon0
Golden Emerald-Encrusted Tiara0028190+50 Wis, +25 Earth Power3Oracle-
Helmet of the Clairvoyant002654+3 AC, +10 Wis, +10 Meditate3Drop7923
Helmet of the Healer300030+1 AC, +5 Wis, -1 Dodge4Summon150
Lost Helm of the Dragon15003046+7.5 AC, -20 Dodge, +5 Water/Air/Fire/Earth & Dark Resist8Quest-
Madrigan's Hat of Camouflage75501612+1.56 AC, -2 Dodge, +10 Sneak, +10 Hide3Chest7999
Mystic Headband of the Wind007666+50 Dodge, +25 Air Power3Oracle-
Runed Malachite Diadem0098108+10 AC, +10 to all Magic Resistances3Oracle-
Screaming Helm of Ogrimar0010254+2 AC, -10 Meditate, +10 Water/Air/Earth/Dark Power, -10 Light Power3Drop38620
Skeleton Helm0000-0Summon0
Spectral Helm009119+3 AC, +20 Int, +10 Dark Power8Drop18867


Item NameStrEndAgiIntWisBonusEncBuySell
Black Lizardskin Boots07503025+1.62 AC, +5 Agi, +11 Dodge3Quest2300
Boots Of Speed02502020+1 AC, +10 Agi, +10 Dodge3Summon310
Jander's Padded Boots151105500+2.97 AC3Summon4245


Item NameEndAgiIntWisBonusEncBuySell
Gauntlets of Shocking12502025+3.645 AC, +10 Str, -16 Dodge,8Chest5808
Gloves of the Duelist4502733+1.81 AC, -3 Dodge, +25 Attack4Quest467
Gloves of Thieving150300+1 AC, +7 Agi, +10 Dodge, +5 Rob skill3Summon110
Jander's Gloves of Thievery110303325+2.97 AC, +15 Agi, +10 Rob skill3Summon4343


Item NameEndAgiIntWisBonusEncBuySell
Belt of Skraug Strength10002025+2 AC, +10 Str2Quest0
Belt of Unstable Protection0000Check Armor Gems0Quest1
Buckle of Lockpicks2503030+1 AC, +10 Lockpick skill2609 BM140
Chastity Belt0000+1 AC3Summon-
Cord of Treachery0401716+2 AC, +5 Rob, +5 Sneak, +5 Hide3Drop9750
Girdle of Courage002628+1 AC, +5 Str, +3 Agi3Quest375
Girdle of Insight006060+5 AC, +25 Int, +25 Wis0Vicar Kervian & Vicar Ramiel1
Girdle of Protection2501921+2.3 AC3Summon472
Girdle of Strength4502530+10 Str3Summon926
Leather Belt of Survival25000+1 AC, +10 First Aid2609 BM140
Monk's White Sash2001936+2 AC, +5 Str, +5 Light Power2Summon1794
Scarab Protector10005340+1.9 AC, +5 to all Resistances3Quest4730


Item NameStrEndAgiIntWisAttackBonusEncBuySell
Cape of Fire Resistance00045350+1 AC, +20 Fire Resist4Quest1625
Cape of the Ancient Assassin0134818350+3 AC, +15 Hide/Peek, +10 Dark Resist2Summon-
Midnight Shroud0137018350+3 AC, +15 Hide/Sneak, +10 Dark Resist2Summon-
Red Cape0250000-4700/Drop233
Warder's Cloak25050000250+20 AC, +50 Str/End/Agi, -50 Int/Wis1Drop-


Item NameStrEndAgiIntWisAttack BonusEncBuySell
Silver Spoon of the Prophet000000+1 AC, +10 Wis, +10 Light Power, Light1Drop0
Emerald Power Focus00028650+25 Earth Power, -10 Water/Fire/Earth/Air Resist, -15 Air Power2Oracle0
Diamond Power Focus00046460+25 Air Power, -10 Water/Fire/Earth/Air Resist, -15 Earth Power2Oracle0
Sapphire Power Focus00065280 +25 Water Power, -10 Water/Fire/Earth/Air Resist, -15 Fire Power2Oracle-
Ruby Power Focus00078150+25 Fire Power, -10 Water/Fire/Earth/Air Resist, -15 Water Power2Oracle-
Eye of the Tiger0001151130+10.0 AC, Light Source, +5 to all Magic Resists & Powers3Quest-
All With Honor Shield0200000+5 AC, +15 Parry, +16.66% Dodge, +5 to all Magic Resists2Summon-
Wooden Shield0450000+1.98 AC833551118
Round Shield0600000+2.97 AC873892463
Shield of Windhowl060026230+3.0 AC, +19 Dodge8Quest2837
Orcish Shield0800000+4.29 AC9Drop5088
Large Shield01000000+6.27 AC10259908663
Tower Shield01250000+8.91 AC10Quest / 4340814469
Drachenshield4012530000+12.21 AC, +50 Attack, Check Armor Gems2Drop-
Mithril Shield01500000+12.21 AC116528421761
Shield of the Damned0175060600+15 AC, +10 Earth/Fire/Dark/Water/Air Resists, -25 Light Power12Chest7923
Gothic Shield01800000+16.83 AC129741732472
Coral Shield0180090650+16.83 AC, +50 Fire Resist12Summon49634
Darkwood Shield150180000500+20.0 AC, +25 PB, +10 SB, -10 Fire Resist, +10 Water Resist10Drop-
Adamantite Shield02300000+26.07 AC1216523455078
Shield of the Ages03000000+41.91 AC, +25 Parry4Drop96708

Armor Gems

Bluestone TalismanTo benefit from the full effects of the Gleaming Bluestone Armour, you have to own the Bluestone Talisman. It is placed in your inventory and has unlimited uses. Each use casts a spell that gives +5 AC and +4 to all Magic Resistances for each part of the armour that you own. If you have equipped and the 6 parts of the armor, the spell gives +50 AC and +40 to all Magic Resistances. The spell lasts for 2:00 and then you have to recast it. During those 2 min, a random heal spell it will be casted (heals 5% of your max HP). Using the talisman costs 10% of your MP.
Gem of the MoonTo benefit from the full effects of the gem you must have the Drachensword or the Drachenstaff equipped. By double clicking the gem in your inventory (one use only), you get +5 Str & +5 Agi if you have equipped the Drachensword and +5 Wis & +5 Int if you have equipped the Drachenstaff for every gem of the moon you have in your backpack. Example: if you have 10 gems of the moon at your backpack your Str & Agi or Wis & Int will be raised by 50. The duration of the spell is 10 sec for one gem and +5 more sec for every other gem of the moon you have in your backpack.
Gem of the StarsTo benefit from the full effects of the gem you must have the Drachenplate or the Drachenrobe equipped. By double clicking the gem in your inventory (one use only), you get +5 Rapid Healing if you have the Drachenplate equipped or +5 Meditate if you have the Drachenrobe equipped for every gem of the star you have in your backpack. Example: if you have 10 gems of the stars at your backpack your Rapid Healing or Meditate will be raised by 50. The duration of the spell is 10 sec for one gem and +5 more sec for every other gem of the stars you have in your backpack.
Gem of the SunTo benefit from the full effects of the gem you must have the Drachenhelm or the Drachenshield equipped. By double clicking the gem in your inventory (one use only), you get +10 Dodge if you have the Drachenhelm equipped or +10 Attack if you have the Drachenshield equipped for every gem of the sun you have in your backpack. Example: if you have 10 gems of the sun at your backpack your Dodge or Attack will be raised by 100. The duration of the spell is 10 sec for one gem and +5 more sec for every other gem of the sun you have in your backpack.
Gem of Unstable ProtectionTo benefit from the full effects of the gem you must have the Belt of Unstable Protection equipped. By double clicking the gem in your inventory (unlimited uses), you get + random AC. Mininum +1 AC and Max +(your level) AC. The duration of the gem effect is 10:00.
RaindropTo benefit from the full effects of the gem you must have the Raincloak equipped. By double clicking the gem in your inventory (one use only), you get +1 Water Power & Resist for every raindrop gem you have in your backpack. Example: if you have 10 raindrop gems at your backpack your water power & resist will be raised by 10. The duration of the spell is 10 sec for one gem and +5 more sec for every other raindrop you have in your backpack. The bonus & duration given by the raindrop/raincloak are capped at 25 raindrops