T4C Fantasy Bible


Item NameUseEnc
Potion of Light Healing+25 Hit Points2
Potion of Healing+50 Hit Points2
Potion of Serious Healing+100 Hit Points2
Potion of Critical Healing+250 Hit Points2
Flask of Bluish Liquid+100 Hit Points (5 uses)2
Potion of Deific HealingRestores full Hit Points3
Godly Potion of HealingRestores full Hit Points (10 uses)25
Potion of RegenerationRegenerates 1/30 of your max Hit Points per second, for 2 min2
Potion of Mana+25 Mana Points2
Mana Elixir+50 Mana Points2
Manastone+Half your normal Mana Points5
Mana PrismRegenerates 1/30 of your max Mana per second, for 2 min5
Potion of Fury+10 Strength for 5 min2
Hyper Potion of Fury+25% of your base Strength for 5 min (Minimum +50 Strength)2
Potion of Clear Thought+10 Intelligence for 5 min2
Hyper Potion of Clear Thought+25% of your base Intelligence for 5 min (Minimum +50 Intelligence)2
Potion of Tranquillity+10 Wisdom for 5 min2
Hyper Potion of Tranquillity+25% of your base Wisdom for 5 min (Minimum +50 Wisdom)2
Potion of Nimbleness+10 Agility for 5 min2
Hyper Potion of Nimbleness+25% of your base Agility for 5 min (Minimum +50 Agility)2
Potion of Fortitude+10 Endurance for 5 min2
Hyper Potion of Fortitude+25% of your base Endurance for 5 min (Minimum +50 Endurance)2
Hyper Potion of Violent Rage+400% of your base Str & Attack, set dodge and AC to 0 for 1 min2
Ambrosia+250 HP, +10% to all powers, -10% Wis & Int for 20 min2
Arcane Liquor+100 HP, +10% to all resistances, -10% Wis & Int for 10 min2
Potion of Lesser Protection from Evil+25% dark resistance for 4 min2
Potion of Partial Protection from Evil+50% dark resistance for 7 min2
Potion of Greater Protection from Evil+100% dark resistance for 10 min2
Potion of Lesser Fire Resistance+25% fire resistance for 4 min2
Potion of Partial Fire Resistance+50% fire resistance for 7 min2
Potion of Greater Fire Resistance+100% fire resistance for 10 min2
Potion of Lesser Earth Resistance+25% earth resistance for 4 min2
Potion of Partial Earth Resistance+50% earth resistance for 7 min2
Potion of Greater Earth Resistance+100% earth resistance for 10 min2
Potion of Lesser Air Resistance+25% air resistance for 4 min2
Potion of Partial Air Resistance+50% air resistance for 7 min2
Potion of Greater Air Resistance+100% air resistance for 10 min2
Potion of Lesser Water Resistance+25% water resistance for 4 min2
Potion of Partial Water Resistance+50% water resistance for 7 min2
Potion of Greater Water Resistance+100% water resistance for 10 min2
Potion of Cure DiseaseCures disease1
Potion of Cure PoisonCures poison1
Potion of Cure RabiesCures rabies1
Flask of Goblin BloodCast Surge of Strength2
Vial of Spider VenomCast Poison, damage 10-36 HP to user1


Item Name BonusesEncDroppableDuration
Escape ScrollTeleports user out or to Forest of No Return (near NPC Archibald)0NoInstant
Scroll of BarrierCasts Barrier1Yes2:00
Scroll of Detect HiddenCasts Detect Hidden1Yes10:00
Scroll of Detect InvisibilityCasts Detect Invisibility1Yes5:00
Scroll of Earthen StrengthCasts Earthen Strength1Yes5:00
Scroll of InvisibilityCasts Invisibility1Yes5:00
Scroll of LighthavenTeleports user at Lighthaven Temple2NoInstant
Scroll of Mana ShieldCasts Mana Shield1Yes2:00
Scroll of Mana SurgeCasts Mana Surge1Yes3:00
Scroll of Major Combat SenseCasts Major Combat Sense1Yes0:30
Scroll of Minor Combat SenseCasts Minor Combat Sense1Yes1:00
Scroll of Orientation IProtect user from random Teleports spells at Forest of No Return0Yes0:30
Scroll of Orientation IIProtect user from random Teleports spells at Forest of No Return0Yes0:30
Scroll of ProtectionCasts Protection1Yes3:00
Scroll of RecallTeleports user to his/her Sanctuary1YesInstant
Scroll of Resist FireCasts Resist Fire1Yes1:00
Scroll of Resist IceCasts Resist Ice1Yes1:00
Scroll of SanctuaryCasts Sanctuary1Yes1:00
Scroll of SilverskyTeleports user to Silversky Fountain0NoInstant
Scroll of Stone SkinCasts Stone Skin1Yes5:00
Scroll of StonecrestTeleports user to Stonecrest Temple0NoInstant
Scroll of True SightCasts True Sight1Yes5:00
Scroll of WindhowlTeleports user to Windhowl south entrance2NoInstant


Item Name UseEnc Droppable
Agate Crystal Key (unlimited)Unlocks a "Chest Inlaid with Precious Stones" at Oracle Realm0No
Amethyst Crystal Key (unlimited)Unlocks a "Chest Inlaid with Precious Stones" at Oracle Realm0No
Blackened Iron KeyUnlocks a chest at SH Crypt0Yes
Broken Ethereal KeyUsed to make the Ethereal Key0No
Carnelian Crystal Key (unlimited)Unlocks a "Chest Inlaid with Precious Stones" at Oracle Realm0No
Chaos KeyUsed to make the Tome of Valor during the Good Seraph quest0Yes
Chipped Bone KeyUnlocks Bone Chest at SC Mithanna Snowraven0Yes
Crumbling Bone KeyUnlocks Lord Stonecrest's coffin at SH Crypt0Yes
Crude Iron Key (unlimited)Unlocks a door in Oracle House0No
Dark Iron KeyUnlocks the Dark Iron Chest at SC Armor Shop0Yes
Dark Key (unlimited)Unlocks the locked chest near Jarko (behind Griroesh)0Yes
Dew Covered Metal KeyUnlocks the chests at Stoneheim Crypt (where you find the Crumbling Bone Key)0Yes
Dull Copper Key (unlimited)Used to enter the room with the Crystal Keys at Oracle Realm0No
Emerald Crystal Key (unlimited)Unlocks the door at the other end of the Crystal Keys Room at Oracle Realm0No
Enchanted Glass KeyUnlock the chest at the Chamber of Swiftness0No
Ethereal Key (unlimited)Use to enter the Ethereal Portal0No
Exquisitely Worked Stone KeyUnlocks the door to enter the Chamber of Deception0No
leaming Orichalcum Key (unlimited)Unlocks the door out of Chamber of Despair0No
Iron Key (unlimited)Unlocks the Feylor's chest at Arakas Ruined city & the chest in LH Bank.Also can be used for the chest beside Jon Hamhoo in SS Castle.0Yes
Ivory Key (unlimited)Unlocks the door to enter the Oracle House0No
Key of Artherk (unlimited)Use to enter the Portal at Chamber of Providence0No
Key of AscensionUnlock chests at Nether Isles0Yes
Key of Ogrimar (unlimited)Use to enter the Portal at Chamber of Providence0No
Key of the BanishedUnlock chests in the Undead Cave (the cave with Fiends of the Pale, Obsidian Assassins)1Yes
Key of the ForgottenUnlock the chest near Shadow Demon at the Undead Cave1Yes
Key of the Lost SoulUnlock chests in the Undead Cave (the cave with Fiends of the Pale, Obsidian Assassins)1Yes
Madrigan's KeyUnlock Madrigan Chest at Mad's House1Yes
Malachite Crystal Key (unlimited)Unlocks a "Chest Inlaid with Precious Stones" at Oracle Realm0No
Mordred's keyUnlocks Commander Mordred's chest0No
Nomad House Keys*Unlocks the door to Nomad's House0No
Oddly Shaped Shard of Stone6 of them, unlocks the chest at the Chamber of Perseverance0No
Onyx Crystal Key (unlimited)Unlocks a "Chest Inlaid with Precious Stones" at Oracle Realm0No
Polished Bone KeyUnlocks the chest near Mortal Wombat at Centaur Cave0Yes
Pulsating KeyUnlocks the door to enter the Chamber of Despair0No
Reynen Key (unlimited)Unlocks Reynen's chest at Connector cave0Yes
Royal Key #1Used at Royal Key quest0No
Royal Key #2Used at Royal Key quest0No
Royal Key #3Used at Royal Key quest0No
Royal Key #4Used at Royal Key quest0No
Royal Key #5Used at Royal Key quest0No
Royal Key #6Used at Royal Key quest0No
Ruby Crystal Key (unlimited)locks a "Chest Inlaid with Precious Stones" at Oracle Realm0No
Sapphire Crystal Key (unlimited)Unlocks a "Chest Inlaid with Precious Stones" at Oracle Realm0No
Scorched Metal KeyUnlocks the door to enter the Chamber of Illusions0No
Shimmering Platinum Key (unlimited)Unlocks the door to exit the Oracle House0No
Shiny Metal KeyUnlocks the Shiny Metal Chest at SC Weapon's Store0Yes
Shiny Silver Key (unlimited)Unlocks the door below the B'Thonians at Oracle Realm0No
Small Gold Key (unlimited)Unlocks a door at Oracle Realm0No
Small KeyUnlocks a chest at Nomad's House0No
Small Silver Key (unlimited)Unlocks a door at Oracle Realm0No
Solid Gold Key (unlimited)Unlocks the door below the B'Thurkhans at Oracle Realm0No
Steel Safe KeyUnlocks the Steel Safe at Thieves Hideout0Yes
Stone KeyUsed to unlock a chest in a GM area that no longer exists0Yes
Translucent KeyUnlocks the door to enter the Chamber of Swiftness0No
Trial Key (unlimited)Unlocks the door for the final quest at Oracle Realm0No
Twisted KeyUnlocks chests at Mordenthal's Dungeon0Yes


Chest(s)What they spawnRespawnGold
Arakas chestsTorch, Potion of Light Healing, Potion of Healing, Potion of Mana, Cloth Pants, Cloth Vest, Leather Belt, Leather Gloves, Leather Boots Leather Helmet, Studded Leather Helmet, Iron Ring, Ring of Confidence, Ring of Light, Rusted Dirk, Rusted Short Sword, Rusted Long Sword, Steel Reinforced Club, Iron Staff, Ashwood Flatbow, Ashwood Longbow, Ashwood Reflex Bow8:00 Global
16:00 User
33:00 Global
58:00 User
Sunrock's ChestDiamond50:0073
Jarko's LairRing of Darkness, Polished Long Sword, Elm Longbow2:45:00 Global
22:15:00 User
Feylor's chestBook of Feylor58:0034
Raven's Dust chestsTorch, Light Healing Potion, Healing Potion, Potion of Mana, Mana Elixir, Leather Gloves, Leather Boots, Studded Leather Helmet, Studded Leather Gloves, Studded Leather Pants, Studded Leather Boots, Ringmail Boots, Ringmail Gauntlets, Ringmail Helmet, Ringmail Leggings, Scalemail Helmet, Scalemail Gauntlets, Ring of Light, Ring of Confidence, Sapphire Bracelet, Polished Short Sword, Polished Broadsword, Fine Steel Long Sword, High Metal Short Sword, Defender, Elm Flatbow, Elm Longbow, Elm Reflex Bow, Elm Recurve Bow, Hickory Longbow, Hickory Reflex Bow28:00 Global
31:00 User
1:37:00 Global1:40:00 User
Silversky CastleLight Healing Potion1:51:00 2:05:0097-450
Reynen's chestRoyal Key 1, Light Healing Potion, Feather33:00 Global
50:00 User
Centaur CaveLight Healing Potion, Healing Potion, Serious Healing Potion, Critical Healing Potion, Potion of Mana, Mana Elixir, Manastone, Potion of Fury, Potion of Nimbleness, Potion of Tranquility, Potion of Clear Thought, Potion of Fortitude, Potion of Cure Rabies, Potion of Cure Disease, Elven Leather Gloves, Elven Chainmail Girdle, Elven Chainmail Gauntlets, Plate Protector, Large Shield, Fine Steel Dagger, High-Metal Dagger, High-Metal Broadsword, Mithril Dagger, Mithril Blade, Adamantite Blade, Morningstar of the Sun, Prismatic Blade, Elm Recurve Bow, Hickory Reflex Bow, Hickory Compound Bow, Rough Ruby, Scroll of Recall10:00 Global
20:00 User
13:00 Global
26:00 User
Stoneheim CryptTorch, Light Healing Potion, Healing Potion, Serious Healing Potion, Critical Healing Potion, Potion of Mana, Mana Elixir, Manastone, Potion of Fury, Potion of Tranquility, Potion of Clear Thought, Potion of Fortitude, Potion of Nimbleness, Potion of Cure Rabies, Potion of Cure Poison, Potion of Cure Disease, Scroll of Recall, Rough Amethyst, Rough Moonstone, Elven Leather Helmet, Elven Leather Belt, Elven Leather Boots, Scalemail Leggings, Scalemail Protector, Platemail Gauntlets, Large Shield, Ring of the Berserker, Fine Steel Scimitar, Fine Steel Hand Axe, Fine Steel Mace, High-Metal Short Sword, High-Metal Flail, Bonesword of the Berserker, Elm Recurve Bow, Elm Reflex Bow, Hickory Flatbow, Hickory Recurve Bow, Crumbling Bone Key16:00 Global
33:00 User
20:00 Global
40:00 User
Dantalir's chestFinely Crafted Drum, Serious Healing Potion, Mana Elixir, Scroll of Recall40:00 Global
50:00 User
Gulfrid's chestDark Iron Key, Light Healing Potion, Healing Potion50:0038
Herewald's chestChipped Bone Key, Light Healing Potion, Healing Potion, Serious Healing Potion10:00 Global
20:00 User
Mayor Fearweather's chestShiny Metal Key, Light Healing Potion10:00 Global
20:00 User
Mithana Snowraven's chestSteel Safe Key, Light Healing Potion, Healing Potion, Serious Healing Potion, Critical Healing Potion50:0054
Mordenthal's DungeonTorch, Light Healing Potion, Healing Potion, Critical Healing Potion, Potion of Mana, Mana Elixir, Manastone, Potion of Regeneration, Potion of Fortitude, Potion of Nimbleness, Potion of Fury, Potion of Tranquility, Potion of Fortitude, Potion of Clear Thought, Potion of Cure Poison, Potion of Cure Disease, Potion of Cure Rabies, Hyper Potion of Fury, Hyper Potion of Tranquility, Hyper Potion of Clear Thought, Hyper Potion of Fortitude, Hyper Potion of Nimbleness, Scroll of Recall, Rough Carnelian, Rough Amethyst, Rough Limestone, Elven Leather Belt, Elven Leather Gloves, Elven Chainmail Helmet, Elven Chainmail Gauntlets, Elven Chainmail Girdle, Platemail Helmet, Platemail Protector, Mithril Chainmail Helmet, Mithril Chainmail Leggings, Dwarven Platemail Boots, Dwarven Platemail Gauntlets, Large Shield, Shield of the Damned, Fine Steel Scimitar, Fine Steel Hand Axe, Fine Steel Mace, High-Metal Short Sword, High-Metal Broadsword, High-Metal Mace, Hickory Longbow, Hickory Recurve Bow, Hickory Compound Bow, Oak Flatbow20:00 Global
30:00 User
Skraug CaveLight Healing Potion, Healing Potion, Serious Healing Potion, Critical Healing Potion, Potion of Mana, Mana Elixir, Manastone, Potion of Clear Thought, Potion of Fury, Potion of Regeneration, Potion of Nimbleness, Potion of Fortitude, Potion of Clear Thought, Potion of Tranquility, Raw Crystal, Scroll of Recall, Round Shield, Bracers of Battle, Fine Steel Short Sword, Polished Broadsword, Prismatic Blade, Sapphire Hilted Rapier, Hickory Flatbow, Crude Skraug Bow20:00 Global
36:00 User
Skraug CorpsesTorch, Light Healing Potion, Healing Potion, Serious Healing Potion, Potion of Regeneration, Potion of Mana, Mana Elixir, Manastone, Potion of Fury, Potion of Nimbleness, Potion of Tranquility, Potion of Clear Thought, Potion of Fortitude, Potion of Cure Rabies, Potion of Cure Disease, Potion of Cure Poison, Scroll of Recall, Raw Crystal, Moon Tug Scalp, Shaman's Mantle, Bracers of Battle, Fine Steel Short Sword, Fine Steel Long Sword, Elm Reflex Bow, Elm Recurve Bow, Bone-Tipped Arrows, Wooden Arrows, Crude Skraug Bow16:00 Global
33:00 User
Steel SafeSecret Document41:00147
Spider CaveTorch, Light Healing Potion, Healing Potion, Serious Healing Potion, Critical Healing Potion, Mana Prism, Potion of Fury, Potion of Fortitude, Potion of Clear Thought, Potion of Nimbleness, Potion of Tranquility, Potion of Cure Disease, Potion of Cure Rabies, Potion of Cure Poison, Scroll of Recall, Rough Ruby, Rough Moonstone, Rough Malachite, Elven Leather Gloves, Elven Leather Boots, Elven Chainmail Gauntlets, Elven Chainmail Girdle, Platemail Helmet, Platemail Boots, Platemail Gauntlets, Platemail Protector, Mithril Chainmail Boots, Mithril Chainmail Girdle, Mithril Chainmail Gauntlets, Mithril Chainmail Leggings, Dwarven Platemail Boots, Dwarven Platemail Protector, Cord of Treachery, Gauntlets of Shocking, Large Shield, Spider Shaped Ring, Bracers of Battle, Cat-Claw Ornated Staff, Fine Steel Dagger, Fine Steel Scimitar, Fine Steel Hand Axe, Fine Steel Mace, High-Metal Broadsword, High-Metal Short Sword, High-Metal Mace, High-Metal Flail, Mithril Dagger, Mithril Blade, Sapphire Hilted Rapier, Hickory Compound Bow, Hickory Longbow, Hickory Recurve Bow, Elm Recurve Bow, Oak Flatbow13:00 Global
23:00 User
23:00 Global
30:00 User

Spider Ring chest:
23:00 Global
30:00 User

Cat-Claw Staff chest:
18:00 Global
26:00 User
Undead CaveTorch, Light Healing Potion, Healing Potion, Serious Healing Potion, Critical Healing Potion, Potion of Mana, Mana Elixir, Mana Prism, Potion of Nimbleness, Potion of Fortitude, Potion of Clear Thought, Potion of Tranquility, Potion of Fury, Potion of Regeneration, Scroll of Recall, Potion of Cure Poison, Potion of Cure Rabies, Potion of Cure Disease, Rough Agate, Rough Limestone, Mithril Chainmail Leggings, Mithril Chainmail Boots, Mithril Chainmail Gauntlets, Elven Leather Belt, Elven Leather Boots, Elven Leather Helmet, Elven Chainmail Boots, Elven Chainmail Girdle, Elven Chainmail Helmet, Elven Chainmail Gauntlets, Platemail Helmet, Platemail Protector, Dwarven Platemail Gauntlets, Cord of Treachery, Gauntlets of Shocking, Large Shield, Mithril Shield, Fine Steel Dagger, Fine Steel Scimitar, Fine Steel Hand Axe, Mithril Dagger, Mithril Blade, Mithril Broadsword, High-Metal Short Sword, High-Metal Flail, Mithril Flail, Adamantite Blade, Elm Recurve Bow, Hickory Recurve Bow, Hickory Compound Bow, Oak Reflex Bow, Oak Recurve Bow, Oak Flatbow, Oak Longbow, Bone-Tipped Arrows, Ring of the Rogue, Key of the Forgotten20:00 Global
30:00 User
30:00 Global
35:00 User
Wasp CaveLight Healing Potion, Healing Potion, Serious Healing Potion, Critical Healing Potion, Potion of Mana, Mana Elixir, Manastone, Mana Prism, Potion of Clear Thought, Potion of Tranquility, Potion of Fury, Potion of Fortitude, Potion of Nimbleness, Potion of Cure Rabies, Potion of Cure Disease, Potion of Cure Poison, Elven Leather Belt, Elven Leather Gloves, Elven Leather Boots, Elven Leather Helmet, Jafo's Heart, Jander Ring of Nimbleness, Ring of the Ranger, Ring of the Duellist, Fine Steel Dagger, Fine Steel Scimitar, Fine Steel Mace, High-Metal Dagger, High-Metal Short Sword, High-Metal Mace, High-Metal Flail, Mithril Dagger, Hickory Longbow, Hickory Reflex Bow, Oak Flatbow, Bone-Tipped Arrows10:00 Global
20:00 User
16:00 Global
26:00 User

Jafo's Heart Chest:
13:00 Global
26:00 User
Nether IsleLight Healing Potion, Healing Potion, Serious Healing Potion, Critical Healing Potion, Potion of Regeneration, Potion of Mana, Mana Elixir, Manastone, Mana Prism, Potion of Clear Thought, Potion of Nimbleness, Potion of Fury, Potion of Fortitude, Potion of Tranquility, Potion of Cure Rabies, Potion of Cure Disease, Potion of Cure Poison, Hyper Potion of Fury, Hyper Potion of Clear Thought, Hyper Potion of Fortitude, Hyper Potion of Tranquility, Hyper Potion of Nimbleness, Scroll of Recall, Rough Agate, Mithril Chainmail Helmet, Mithril Chainmail Girdle, Platemail Gauntlets, Platemail Boots, Platemail Protector, Platemail Helmet, Dwarven Platemail Boots, Dwarven Platemail Gauntlets, Dwarven Platemail Helmet, Dwarven Platemail Protector, Tower Shield, Mithril Shield, High-Metal Short Sword, High-Metal Scimitar, High-Metal Broadsword, High-Metal Flail, Mithril Long Sword, Mithril Broadsword, Mithril Flail, Adamantite Blade, Prismatic Blade, Hickory Compound Bow, Oak Longbow20:00 Global
30:00 User
20:00 Global
33:00 User
Ivory chestIvory Key16:00-
Oracle ChestsAgate Crystal Key, Amethyst Crystal Key, Carnelian Crystal Key, Crude Iron Key, Dull Copper Key, Emerald Crystal Key, Malachite Crystal Key, Onyx Crystal Key, Ruby Crystal Key, Sapphire Crystal Key, Shimmering Platinum Key, Small Gold Key, Small Silver Key, Translucent Key16:00-
Oracle Bonus ChestsSerious Healing Potion, Critical Healing Potion, Deific Healing Potion, Mana Elixir, Manastone, Mana Prism, Dragonscale Armor, Dragonscale Protector, Dragonscale Boots, Dragonscale Gauntlets, Dragonscale Helmet, Dragonscale Leggings, High Clerist Robes, Cloak of Renewal, Mantle of Death, Robe of the Arch Magi, Arcane Circlet of Power, Runed Malachite Diadem, Golden Emerald Encrusted Tiara, Mystic Headband of the Wind, Gothic Shield, Ruby Power Focus, Sapphire Power Focus, Diamond Power Focus, Emerald Power Focus, High-Metal Bastard Sword +3, Mithril Blade +34:00:00 Global
8:00:00 User
Mad House chestsBroom, Fork, Candle, Spoon, Rolling Pin, C1 Permit, Light Healing Potion, Healing Potion, Serious Healing Potion, Critical Healing Potion, Potion of Mana, Mana Elixir, Manastone, Mana Prism, Potion of Tranquility, Potion of Clear Thought, Potion of Fortitude, Potion of Nimbleness, Potion of Fury, Potion of Lesser Fire Resistance, Potion of Lesser Earth Resistance, Potion of Lesser Water Resistance, Potion of Lesser Air Resistance, Potion of Lesser Protection from Evil, Scroll of Recall, Scroll of Barrier, Scroll of Protection, Scroll of Invisibility, Scroll of True Sight, Scroll of Detect Invisible, Scroll of Earthen Strength, Scroll of Minor Combat Sense, Scroll of Detect Hidden, Straight Jacket +1, Silver Spoon of the Prophet, Helmet of the Clairvoyant, Gnarled Walking Stick, Bloodstained Broadsword, Hammer of True Sight16:00 Global
25:00 User
20:00 Global
26:00 User
Madrigan's chestLight Healing Potion, Healing Potion, Serious Healing Potion, Critical Healing Potion, Deific Healing Potion, Potion of Mana, Mana Elixir, Manastone, Mana Prism, Potion of Fury, Potion of Partial Fire Resistance, Potion of Partial Water Resistance, Potion of Partial Earth Resistance, Potion of Partial Air Resistance, Potion of Partial Protection from Evil, Potion of Tranquility, Potion of Clear Thought, Potion of Fortitude, Potion of Nimbleness, Straight Jacket +1, Madrigan Hat of Camouflage, Helmet of the Clairvoyant, Ring of the Assassin, Rusted Short Sword, Rusted Long Sword, Rusted Hand Axe, Polished Short Sword, Polished Long Sword, Ashwood Longbow, Ashwood Reflex Bow, Elm Flatbow, Elm Longbow, Elm Reflex Bow, Elm Recurve Bow33:00 Global
50:00 User
Forest of No ReturnLight Healing Potion, Potion of Clear Thought, Potion of Nimbleness, Potion of Tranquility, Potion of Fortitude, Gem of the Sun, Gem of the Moon, Gem of the Stars, Scroll of Recall, Scroll of Barrier, Scroll of Detect Hidden, Scroll of Protection, Scroll of Minor Combat Sense, Scroll of Orientation I, Scroll of Orientation II, Scroll of Detect Invisible, Escape Scroll, Elven Leather Gloves, Elven Leather Boots, Elven Leather Helmet, Chainmail Girdle, Scalemail Boots, Large Shield, Mithril Chainmail Girdle, Cloak of the Skull, Raincloak, Fine Steel Hand Axe, High-Metal Short Sword, High-Metal Flail, Grim Sword of War, Hickory Flatbow, Hickory Recurve Bow, Hickory Reflex Bow, Hickory Compound Bow, Elm Recurve Bow, Elm Reflex Bow, Oak Flatbow, Bow of the Spiders20:00 Global
30:00 User