T4C Fantasy Bible

Monster Weaknesses

GM Monsters AR MonstersRD MonstersSH MonstersAdd-On MonstersSeraph MonstersColosseum MonstersItalic: Mini Bosses
Monster Name Elemental Weakness Spawn Locations
A Powerful HunterFireSH, Random Locations
A SentryEarthSH, Skraug Cave
A Skraug GuardEarthSH, Skraug Cave
A Skraug SentryEarthSH, Skraug Cave
A SweeperEarthRD, Tower of Sorcery
A Timeless GuardianAir, WaterOracle Realm, Chamber of Perseverance
Aaron Brownbarkall, except LightRD, North of Crypt entrance (Near a small pond)
Acid SlimeFireRD, Orc Caves, Skullkeep Dungeon (spawn by Delwobble the Mad Summoner)
Acid ZombieFireSH, North of Stonecrest (In the mountains)
An Undead GuardianFireMakrsh P'Tangh's Isle
An Undead SentinelFireMakrsh P'Tangh's Isle
Animated CorpseFire, LightAR, LH Graveyard, Jarko Caves (all levels), Cave B/D, Gypsy's Cave
Anthor the MadDarkSH, NE from Spider Cave entrance
Apparitionall, except Dark & Light 
ArachnofiendEarthSH, Spider Cave & Creeping Forest
Araf KulEarthAR, Orc Camp
Arch DrakeAir, Water, DarkNowhere
AssassinDarkAR, on the path from Windhowl to Brigand's Cave
AssassinDarkAR, LH town, spawn at Efnisien's house during the Crimsonscale letter Quest
AtrocityWaterAR, LH Temple Dungeon lvl 3 & 4, LH Cave & Crypt (Ancient Temple of Arakas)
B'thastanAir, WaterOracle Realm
B'thonianAir, WaterOracle Realm
B'thurkhanAir, WaterOracle Realm
Balorkall, except LightAR, LH Temple Dungeon lvl 4
Bandaged HorrorFire, LightRD, Crypt & around Crypt entrance
Bane BlackbloodDarkRD, Bane's Castle
BatAirAR, LH Temple Dungeon lvl 1 & 2
Bend Hayjes the RottenFire, LightRD, Crypt lvl 1
Berserker RatEarthSH, Centaur Cave
Blaarg ToemanglerEarthRD, Orc Caves lvl 2
Black ProphetFireSH, Random Locations
BlackguardDarkRD, outside Silversky, around Bane Blackblood Castle & Skullkeep Dungeon
Blood Houndall, except LightSH, Crypt
BloodlustWaterSH, Random Locations
Bone DemonFireSH, around Mordenthal's Castle
BonedeadFire, LightAR, Crypt (Ancient temple of Arakas)
BrigandDarkAR, Brigands Cave & path from Lighthaven to Windhowl
BrigandDarkAR, SW form LH west bridge
Broken OneFireRD, Broken One Cave
Brown RatEarthAR, Lighthaven Temple Dungeon (all levels), LH Cave, Brigand's Cave, Cave A/B/C/D/E , Jarko Caves (all levels), Crypt (Ancient Temple of Arakas) & Tomb (LH Graveyard) / RD, Tower of Sorcery (Zhakar's Tower), Orc Caves (level 2)
Bugar PouchsnatcherDarkRD, dirt path north of Silversky
BulldaozaEarthRD, Minotaur Cave
Burly JailkeeperDarkRD, Death Jester Dungeon
Carrion Crawlerall, except LightSH, Mordenthal's Dungeon
Cave DwellerWaterSH, Skraug Cave
Celestial CobraWaterNether Isles
Centaur AvengerEarthSH, Centaur Town & outside Centaur Town
Centaur ChampionEarthSH, Centaur Town & outside Centaur Town
Centaur ManaweaverEarthNowhere
Centaur SentinelEarthSH, Centaur Town, Centaur Cave & outside Centaur Town
Centaur TrackerEarthSH, Centaur Town & outside Centaur Town
Chaos Demonall, except LightRD, Caledbolg's Shrine
Chaos SpawnWaterSH, north of Heart of Destiny
Colony SentinelAirSH, Wasp Cave & outside Wasp Cave
Commander MordredDarkSH, Obsidian Conclave Camp (east from SH)
Commander OwainDarkAR, SE from Druid's Camp
Corrupt AdeptEarthAR, Tomb of the Fallen, Cave of Corruption
Corrupt FollowerAirAR, Tomb of the Fallen, Cave of Corruption
Corrupted GoblinEarthAR, Cave of Corruption, Nomad's Crypt, Tomb of the Fallen
Count HemogoblinEarth, Fire, LightAR, Cave A
Crazed NurseFireAR, Mad House
CreeperWaterRD, Caledbolg's Shrine
Creeping SludgeAir, WaterSH, Centaur Cave
Crypt Custodianall, except Dark & LightSH, Centaur Cave
Crypt StalkerEarthRD, Mausoleum
Cursed BeingWaterAR, Crypt (Ancient temple of Arakas), Labyrinth
Dark AxeDarkRD, Skullkeep Dungeon
Dark ClericFireSH, Random Locations
Dark Custodianall, except LightRD, Forest of No Return
Dark NobleDarkSH, Random Locations
Dark SpiderEarthAR, Labyrinth
Dark Warlordall, except LightSH, Mordenthal's Dungeon
Darkness Demonall, except LightRD, Caledbolg's Shrine
Dead BoltFire, LightRD, Broken's One Cave
Death ChosenFire, LightRD, Broken's One Cave, outside Broken's One Cave
Death JesterFire, LightRD, Death Jester Dungeon
Death StingerAirRD, near Orc Cave entrance, around Bane's Castle, Skullkeep Dungeon (spawn by Delwobble the Mad Summoner)
Deathstalkerall, except Dark & LightSH, Centaur Cave
Decaying ZombieFire, LightAR, Lighthaven Tomb & Crypt (Ancient Temple of Arakas)
Deep OneWaterRD, Deep One's Cave & outside of Deep One's Cave
Deep One (Boss)WaterRD, Deep One's Cave
DefilerWaterAR, Cave of Corruption
Delwobble (Mad Sumoner)FireRD, Skullkeep Dungeon
Demon Treeall, except LightRD, around Silversky, Ravenwood (east from taras pond) & Anrak's Cave
Deranged OrderlyFireAR, Mad House
Desperate PrisonerDarkRD, Death Jester Dungeon
Doktor SpineFireAR, Mad House
Doom GuardFire, LightRD, Minotaur Dungeon
DoppelgangerDarkPlane Walking Quest
Dorken RotsmellEarthAR, north of Lighthaven
Dr. Von PyreFireAR, Mad House
Draconis Knightall, except LightAR, Lothar's Sacred Temple
Draconis Magusall, except LightAR, Lothar's Sacred Temple
Drain RatEarthRD, Forest of No Return
Drain SpiderEarthRD, Forest of No Return
Dune RaiderDarkRD, Desert
Dungeon BatAirAR, LH Temple Dungeon
Dwarthon StonefaceDarkRD, Bane Blackblood Castle
Edgar GimplestrattenFireAR, Lighthaven, in the house south of Darkfang
Ethereal GuardianAir, WaterOracle Realm, Chamber of Illusions
Eye-Patched QardosDarkRD, NW of Silversky (follow the path to taras pond, turn west at the second crossroad)
Failed SummonFireRD, Orc Town (spawn by Ghundarg Rumblefoot)
Fake Griroeshall, except LightRD, Connector Cave (spawn by Illusion Weaver)
Fake Illusion Weaverall, except Dark & LightRD, Connector Cave (spawn by Illusion Weaver)
Fallen WarriorFire, LightAR, Tomb of the Fallen
FenrirDarkSH, west from Mordenthal's Castle by the shore
Fenris WolfDarkSH, Below Creeping forest (around the house that no one inhabits, above the river that's above centaurs), West from Kahp Leth Village (near the mountain, west from town entrance) and West from Roen Greyleaf's house
Fiend of the Paleall, except LightSH, Undead Cave
Flesh EaterFire, LightRD, Crypt
Flesh GolemFireRD, Tower of Sorcery
Forest Guardianall, except LightAR, near Druid Camp / RD, south of Silversky
Foul FiendWaterSH, Undead Cave
Foul MuckFire, AirSH, Centaur Cave
Fugar the SmellyEarthAR, Cave E
Gangrene CarrierFireSH, Undead Cave
Gauze CorpseFire, LightNether Isle
Gehenna ReaverWaterRD, Anrak's house (Basement)
Ghundarg RumblefootEarthRD, Orc Town
Giant BatAirAR, Lighthaven Temple Dungeon (lvl 2, 3 & 4), LH Cave, Brigand's Cave, Cave A/B/C/D/E, Jarko Caves (lvl 1 & 2)
Giant Black WidowEarthSH, Spider Cave
Giant ScorpionWaterRD, Desert
Giant SpiderEarthAR, LH Temple Dungeon lvl 2
Giant WaspAirAR, west bridge of Lighthaven, area between Goblin Camp and Kraanian bridge, Ruined City (through Labyrinth), near Mad House, entrance of Crypt (Ancient Temple of Arakas) & path to Druids Camp
Gluriurl AR, Burial Chamber
GoblinEarthAR, Goblin Camp, LH north bridge, LH Temple Dungeon lvl 3, LH Cave
Goblin BombermanEarthNowhere
Goblin ChieftainEarthAR, Cursed Valleys, Jarko Lair
Goblin ScoutEarthAR, Goblin Camp, Cursed Valleys, Jarko Caves (lvl 1 & 2), Cave A
Goblin SubchiefEarthAR, Cursed Valleys, Jarko Caves (all levels)
Goblin WarchiefEarthAR, Labyrinth, Cursed Valleys, Jarko Lair, Cave B, Gypsy's Cave
Goblin WarlordEarthAR, Cursed Valleys
Goblin WarriorEarthAR, LH Temple Dungeon lvl 3, Goblin Camp, Cursed Valleys, Jarko Caves (all levels), Cave A/B/E, Gypsy's Cave
Gorlok BloodaxeDarkAR, SW form LH west bridge
Gorben the MadEarthAR, south from Jarko Cave entrance
GraaxWaterAR, LH Cave
Great WolfDarkSH, Below Creeping forest (around the house that no one inhabits, above the river that's above centaurs)
Greater DrakeAir, Water, DarkNowhere
Green SlimeFire, AirAR, LH Temple Dungeon (all levels)
GremlinEarthSH, Sunken Woods Cave
Greyleaf the Daemon Treeall, except LightRD, Ravenwood (east from Taras Pond)
GrimishEarthRD, Orc Town
Griroeshall, except LightAR, Jarko Lair
Grottall, except LightRD, NW of Silversky (follow the path to taras pond)
Grudish EarchewerEarthRD, Orc Cave lvl 1
GuurkWaterAR, LH Cave
HadenDarkRD, SW spot of RD island
Harvester of LifeDarkSH, through a portal at Centaur Village
HeadsmasherEarthRD, Minotaur Cave
HelDarkAR, north from Windhowl gates
Heretic WarriorDarkSH, Random Locations, at Centaur Village over the small lake behind the Centaur Cave entrance
Hive DefenderAirSH, Wasp Cave, outside Wasp Cave
HoofcrusherEarthRD, Minotaur Cave
Howling TerrorAirSH, outside Stonecrest, Crypt
Hurbag NailripperEarthRD, Orc Town
Iago CaballeroDarkRD, SE of Silversky (turn left at the crossroad before Grott, next crossroad turn right and follow the path)
Illusion WeaverFireRD, Connector Cave
Jade KingsnakeWaterRD, Forest of No Return
Jarko the NecromancerFireAR, Jarko Lair
JormungandDarkRD, north from Zhakar's Tower
Kraanian FlyerAirAR, Kraanian Cave & near Kraanian Cave
Kraanian MilipedeEarthAR, Kraanian Cave & near Kraanian Cave
Kraanian PlagueAirAR, Lothar's Sacred Temple, Nomad's Crypt
Kraanian ReaperEarthAR, Lothar's Sacred Temple
Kraanian Stomperall, except LightAR, Lothar's Sacred Temple
Kraanian WorkerEarthAR, Kraanian Cave & near Kraanian Cave
Large RatEarthNowhere
LeprechaunEarthSH, Sunken Woods & Sunken Woods Cave
Lesser DrakeAir, Water, DarkNowhere
Liedric Throatcutterall, except Light & DarkRD, east from Bane Blackblood Castle
Lighthaven RangerDarkAR, around Lighthaven
LoonFireAR, Mad House
Lord StonecrestFireSH, Crypt
Mad Berserker Demonall, except LightSH, Random Locations (spawn by Black Prophet)
Mad MadriganFireAR, Mad House
Mad PatientFireAR, Mad House
MadmanFireAR, Mad House
Makrsh P'tanghFireMakrsh P'tangh's Isle
MercenaryDarkAR, north from Lighthaven
Mercenary LeaderDarkAR, north from Lighthaven
Mercenary LieutenantDarkAR, north from Lighthaven
Minotaur ChieftainEarthRD, Minotaur Cave
Minotaur ShamanEarthRD, Minotaur Cave
Minotaur WarriorEarthRD, Minotaur Cave
Mhorgwlothall, except LightAR, Castle of Orkanis (Troll's House)
Morlokk Nowhere
Mortal WombatEarthSH, Centaur Cave
Mrish YellowbloodEarthAR, Cave D
MummyFire, LightAR, LH Graveyard, Crypt (Ancient Temple of Arakas)
Mysticistall, except Dark & LightRD, Forest of No Return
NecrospiderEarthSH, Creeping Forest & Spider Cave
NemesisWaterSH, Spider Cave
NeoflareAir, WaterNether Isle
Night Hunterall, except Dark & LightSH, Crypt
NightbladeDarkRD, Connector Cave, around Taras Pond, SW from Silversky (near Iago Caballero spawn location), path to Bane Blackblood Castle & Skullkeep Dungeon
NightbreedAirRD, Connector Cave & NW from Silversky (near the mountains)
NightcreeperDarkSH, outside Stonecrest
Obsidian AssassinDarkSH, Undead Cave
Obsidian Conclave KnightDarkSH, Obsidian Conclave Camp (east from SC)
Olin HaadDarkAR, Burial Chamber
Olin Haad Elite GuardDarkAR, Olin Haad's Castle
Olin Haad GuardDarkAR, Lighthaven Town, Lighthaven Cave, Olin Haad's Castle
Olin Haad Private GuardDarkAR, Olin Haad's Castle
Olin Haad SentryDarkAR, around Lighthaven
Olin Haad SoldierDarkAR, SE from Druid's Camp
Oracle GatekeeperAir, WaterOracle Realm, Chamber of Despair
Orc BattlemageEarthRD, Orc Town, Orc Caves & around Orc Caves entrance
Orc BerserkerEarthRD, Orc Town, Orc Caves & around Orc Caves entrance
Orc DeserterEarthRD, Orc Town, Orc Caves & around Orc Caves entrance
Orc GuardianEarthRD, Orc Town
Orc ScoutEarthAR, Orc Camp
Orc ShamanEarthAR, Orc Camp
Orc WarriorEarthAR, Orc Camp
Orcish Arch MageEarthRD, Orc Town
Organic WasteFire, AirAR, LH Cave
Pack WolfDarkSH, outside Stonecrest
PilfererDarkSH, outside Stonecrest
Plague RatEarthAR, Crypt, Labyrinth, Troll's House (Castle of Orcanis)
PM TheisserEarthNowhere
Poisonous SnakeWaterAR, near LH Town, near Kraanian Cave, path to Druids Camp, near Mad House, entrance of Crypt (Ancient Temple of Arakas) & Ruined City (through Labyrinth) / RD, Orc Town (spawn by Ghundarg Rumblefoot)
PurifierFireNether Isle
Putrid BeastAirSH, Undead Cave
Quelet Hon The ThirstyFire, LightNowhere
Quentin TarantulaEarthSH, Spider Cave
RaiderDarkAR, around Windhowl
Ratsputin the WereratEarthRD, Connector Cave
Raving LunaticEarthAR, Mad House
Red-Eyed Centaur(killed with staff of submission only)SH, Centaur Town
Renegade Orc LeaderEarthAR, Jarko Lair
Ribbon FiendFire, LightSH, Crypt
Roaming CadaverFire, LightRD, Mausoleum
Roaming CorpseFire, LightRD, Mausoleum
Rogue Mageall, except Dark, LightRD, outside Silversky
Roshnak TulEarthAR, Orc Camp
Ruk the MinerEarthAR, Cave A
Runaway PatientFireAR, near Mad House
SandlordWaterRD, Desert
Sand WormWaterRD, Desert
Scar-Face RazekDarkAR, near Brigand's Cave entrance
Scavenger BatAirAR, Crypt (Ancient temple of Arakas)
Shadeen(killed with elvenbane only)RD, Skullkeep Dungeon
Shadow Demonall, except LightSH, Undead Cave
Shadowfiendall, except Dark & LightSH, Centaur Cave
ShadowstalkerFireSH, Centaur Town
Shrieker RodentEarthNether Isle
Shrieking HorrorFire, LightRD, Broken's One Cave
Skeletal Centaurall, except DarkSH, Mordental's Dungeon
SkeletonFire, LightAR, LH Graveyard & Crypt (Ancient Temple of Arakas)
Skeleton GuardianFire, LightAR, Cave A/B, Crypt (Ancient Temple of Arakas) & Jarko's Cave lvl 2
Skeleton WarderFire, LightSH, Crypt (spawn by Lord Stonecrest)
Skeleton WarlockFire, LightRD, outside Broken One's Cave
Skeleton WarriorFire, LightAR, Cursed Valleys, Cave B/D/E, Jarko's Cave lvl 2, Jarko Lair (spawn by Jarko), Gypsy's Cave
Skraug BigbruddalbashahEarthSH, Moontug Skraug Caves, Moon Tug Territories & Skraug Cave
Skraug BigworviktorEarthSH, Kahp Leth Village, outside Kahp Leth Village, above Spider mountains & Skraug Cave
Skraug BludfightorEarthSH, Kahp Leth Village, outside Kahp Leth Village, above Spider mountains & Skraug Cave
Skraug ClangbangahEarthSH, Moontug Skraug Caves, Moon Tug Territories & Skraug Cave
Skraug GrubbringahEarthSH, Moontug Skraug Caves, Moon Tug Territories & Skraug Cave
Skraug MadlimbmanglorEarthSH, Kahp Leth Village, outside Kahp Leth Village, above Spider mountains & Skraug Cave
Skraug MeanheaddrummahEarthSH, Moontug Skraug Caves, Moon Tug Territories & Skraug Cave
Skraug MoonfiredansahEarthSH, Moontug Skraug Caves, Moon Tug Territories & Skraug Cave
Skraug MunchhuntorEarthSH, Kahp Leth Village, outside Kahp Leth Village, above Spider mountains & Skraug Cave
Skraug ProtekterritorEarthSH, Kahp Leth Village, outside Kahp Leth Village, above Spider mountains & Skraug Cave
Skraug StandanbonkahEarthSH, Moontug Skraug Caves, Moon Tug Territories & Skraug Cave
Skraug TotemherbdoktorEarthSH, Kahp Leth Village, outside Kahp Leth Village, above Spider mountains & Skraug Cave
SkrullFire, LightRD, near Crypt entrance
SkullfireFire, LightRD, Crypt lvl 2
Spectral KnightFireSH, north of Stonecrest (in the mountains)
StinkbreathEarthRD, Orc Cave lvl 2
T-BoneFire, LightAR, Cave C
TaintscaleWaterAR, Cave of Corruption
TarantulaEarthRD, Taras Pond, SE from Silversky (near Iago Caballero)
Taunting HorrorAirRD, in the mountains around Tower of Sorcery
Terror Demonall, except LightRD, Caledbolg's Shrine
Thadoss the MoanerFire, LightRD, Crypt lvl 2
ThiefDarkAR, WH town, spawn at Urik's house during the Crimsonscale letter Quest
Time ElementalAir, WaterOracle Realm, Chamber of Swiftness
Time GuardianAir, WaterOracle Realm, Chamber of Deception
Time Protectorall, except LightOracle Realm
Toll Trollall, except LightNether Isle
Tomb RaiderDarkAR, LH Tomb, Crypt (Ancient Temple of Arakas) & Jarko's Lair
Trish YellowbloodEarthAR, Cave D
Undead BatAir, Fire, LightAR, LH Temple Dungeon lvl 2
Unseen BatAir, WaterSH, Skraug Cave
Vampire BatAir, Fire, LightRD, Broken One's Cave
VenadarAirSH, Giant Rock Cave
Vicar AsgothFireRD, Mausoleum
Vicar KervianFireRD, Mausoleum
Vicar RamielFireRD, Mausoleum
Vicar VharmesFireRD, Mausoleum
Wandering OrcEarthAR, north of Lighthaven, Brigands' Cave, Orc Camp, North of Windhowl & near Kraanian Cave
WargDarkSH, Below Creeping forest (around the house that no one inhabits, above the river that's above centaurs)
Wasp DroneAirSH, Wasp Cave & around Wasp Cave
WereratEarthRD, Minotaur Dungeon, Crypt
Widow HatchlingEarthNowhere
Wizard MummyFire, LightAR, Crypt (Ancient Temple of Arakas), Jarko Lair & Cave D
WolfhoundDarkSH, Below Creeping forest (around the house that no one inhabits, above the river that's above centaurs)
WoodstalkerDarkRD, Forest of No Return
Worshipperall, except Light & DarkRD, Caledbolg's Shrine
Wraith BatAir, FireSH, Mordenthal's Dungeon
Yoggoth WormWaterSH, Sunken Woods
Zzartgaxall, except LightRD, Tower of Sorcery